Culinary herbs

Lemon Basil [Ocimum americanum citriodorum]

€2,50 EUR
€2.500,00 EUR kg
The annual lemon basil is a special herb. The narrow leaves have a noble and distinctive lemon aroma, with light notes of camphor, cinnamon and lavender. The flowers are pale purple to white and are a good source...
  • 1g - 500 Seeds

Holy Basil Tulsi [Ocimum tenuifolium syn. sanctum]

€2,50 EUR
€2.500,00 EUR kg
The perennial holy basil 'Tulsi' is a very old Ayurvedic spice and medicinal plant that has many different healing properties. Sweet taste with an aroma reminiscent of cloves. Known as a spice for various curries. Ideal for direct...
  • 1g - 500 Seeds

Basil Genovese [Ocimum basilicum]

€2,50 EUR
€1.666,67 EUR kg
The annual Italian basil 'Genovese' is a classic spice and medicinal plant with a typical intense aroma and sweet taste. Versatile and a main ingredient in Pesto Genovese, a classic Italian pesto. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 1.5g - 800 Seeds

Cutting Celery Gewöhnlicher Schnitt [Apium graveolens var. secalinum]

€2,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial cutting celery 'Gewöhnlicher Schnitt' is an old herb with an aromatic taste. The vigorous variety forms numerous dark green leaf stalks that can be used fresh or dried as a spice. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 0.5g - 1600 Seeds

Greek Oregano - Pizza Oregano [Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum]

€2,50 EUR
€12.500,00 EUR kg
The perennial Greek oregano is a heat-loving, winter-hardy and drought-tolerant spice and medicinal plant. A world-famous typical spice for pizza and sauces. Versatile in relieving inflammation in the body and has a digestive and antibacterial effect. Ideal for...
  • 0.2g - 2000 Seeds

Curly Parsley Mooskrause [Petroselinum crispum]

€3,00 EUR
€600,00 EUR kg
The biennial curly parsley 'Mooskrause' is a world-famous and versatile kitchen herb with a naturally strong aroma. In ancient times it was considered a sacred plant, a plant species for every home garden. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 5g - 2000 Seeds

Italian Parsley Gigante d´Italica [Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum]

€3,00 EUR
€600,00 EUR kg
The biennial flat-leaf parsley 'Gigante d'Italica' is an original Italian spice and medicinal plant that is much finer and milder in taste than the curly varieties. Its valuable ingredients help with detoxification and support digestion. Ideal for direct...
  • 0.5g - 2000 Seeds
  • 15g Seeds
  • 30g Seeds

Thyme [Thymus vulgaris]

€2,50 EUR €1,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR kg
Perennial thyme is a herb cultivated for cooking which has the typical aroma that is well known today and is used in Mediterranean cuisine. Easy to care for, robust, heat-tolerant, hardy and therefore suitable for very hot and...
  • 0.3g - 1000 Seeds

Cilantro [Coriandrum sativum]

€2,50 EUR
€714,29 EUR kg
Annual coriander is a spice and medicinal plant that was used in ancient times to aid digestion, anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, antibacterials and antifungals. A decoction protects against aphids and cabbage white butterflies. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 3.5g - 500 Seeds

Dill [Anethum graveolens]

€2,50 EUR €1,25 EUR
€625,00 EUR kg
Annual dill has been known for thousands of years as a versatile spice and medicinal plant and helps with flatulence, promotes milk flow in breastfeeding women, binds bad breath and aids digestion. Popular as a spice for pickling...
  • 2g - 1000 Seeds

Chervil [Anthriscus cerefolium]

€2,50 EUR €1,50 EUR
€600,00 EUR kg
Annual chervil is a spice, tea and medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times for seasoning, fasting or detoxification. Chervil has a cleansing effect on the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ideal for direct sowing,...
  • 2.5g - 1250 Seeds

Russian Tarragon [Artemisia dracunculus]

€2,50 EUR €1,50 EUR
€11.538,46 EUR kg
The perennial russian tarragon is a hardy aromatic, medicinal and spice plant that was used as a scented oil in ancient Egypt and is valued in herbal medicine for its appetite-stimulating, digestive, diuretic, calming and analgesic effects. Ideal...
  • 0.13g - 500 Seeds

Anise [Pimpinella anisum]

€2,50 EUR €2,00 EUR
€1.333,33 EUR kg
The annual anise is a heat-loving and very versatile spice and medicinal plant that is reminiscent of licorice. It is effective against many ailments. It is often used as a spice, in meat dishes, Christmas baking, for spirits,...
  • 1.5g - 500 Seeds

Summer Savory [Satureja hortensis]

€2,50 EUR
€1.250,00 EUR kg
The annual summer savory is a heat-loving herb and medicinal plant. In naturopathy it is used to support digestion, reduce fever and relieve bee stings. Goes perfectly with beans! Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer,...
  • 2g - 1000 Seeds

Spice Tagetes [Tagetes lucida]

€2,50 EUR
€10.000,00 EUR kg
The perennial spice tagetes is a robust and little-known spice and medicinal plant. The Aztecs used this plant as a tea or for smoking because of its slightly psychedelic effect. It has a calming effect when used medicinally...
  • 0.25g - 200 Seeds

Wild Arugula [Diplotaxis tenuifolia]

€2,50 EUR
€1.000,00 EUR kg
The perennial wild arugula is a hardy Mediterranean wild salad and spice plant. The herb was once considered an aphrodisiac. A pioneer plant and the original form of the rocket we know today. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 0.8g - 2000 Seeds

Rocket - Arugula [Eruca sativa]

€2,50 EUR
€1.000,00 EUR kg
The annual rocket is a salad and spice plant that was already used by the Romans. It has a nutty taste, similar to mustard and cress. Milder than wild rocket. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
  • 2.5g - 2000 Seeds

Marjoram [Origanum majorana]

€2,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR kg
The perennial marjoram is a heat-loving, very old tea, spice and medicinal plant. The intense aroma has a special characteristic spicy and slightly sweet taste. It has many uses in herbal medicine. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 0.5g - 2000 Seeds

Lovage [Levisticum officinale]

€2,50 EUR
€3.571,43 EUR kg
The perennial lovage is a hardy spice and medicinal plant. An old remedy for throat diseases, with a digestive effect. Very aromatic, spicy and strong in taste. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer, good for...
  • 0.7g - 220 Seeds

Crown daisy [Glebionis coronaria var. discolor]

€2,50 EUR
€1.666,67 EUR kg
The biennial edible Crown daisy is an old farmer's variety, vegetable and medicinal plant, which is also often used as a cut flower. The taste is rather tart-bitter, with a spicy aroma and has fever and anti-inflammatory properties. Ideal...
  • 1.5g - 400 Seeds

Creeping Thyme [Thymus serpyllum hort.]

€2,50 EUR
€9.615,38 EUR kg
The perennial creeping thyme is a hardy, drought-tolerant and ground-covering wild spice and medicinal plant. Tea herb for poor soils and dry open spaces. Evergreen with an aromatic lemon scent. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation...
  • 0.26g - 1500 Seeds

Watercress [Nasturtium officinale]

€2,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR kg
The perennial watercress is a vegetable and medicinal plant and one of the four sacred plants of the Druids and provides numerous vitamin-rich leaves that are used as vegetables. The herb has numerous uses in medicine. Ideal for...
  • 0.5g - 2000 Seeds

Lemon Basil [Ocimum americanum citriodorum]

€2,50 EUR
The annual lemon basil is a special herb. The narrow leaves have a noble and distinctive lemon aroma, with light notes of camphor, cinnamon and lavender. The flowers are pale purple to white and are...
  • 1g - 500 Seeds

Holy Basil Tulsi [Ocimum tenuifolium syn. sanctum]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial holy basil 'Tulsi' is a very old Ayurvedic spice and medicinal plant that has many different healing properties. Sweet taste with an aroma reminiscent of cloves. Known as a spice for various curries....
  • 1g - 500 Seeds

Basil Genovese [Ocimum basilicum]

€2,50 EUR
The annual Italian basil 'Genovese' is a classic spice and medicinal plant with a typical intense aroma and sweet taste. Versatile and a main ingredient in Pesto Genovese, a classic Italian pesto. Ideal for direct...
  • 1.5g - 800 Seeds

Cutting Celery Gewöhnlicher Schnitt [Apium graveolens var. secalinum]

€2,50 EUR
The biennial cutting celery 'Gewöhnlicher Schnitt' is an old herb with an aromatic taste. The vigorous variety forms numerous dark green leaf stalks that can be used fresh or dried as a spice. Ideal for direct...
  • 0.5g - 1600 Seeds

Greek Oregano - Pizza Oregano [Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial Greek oregano is a heat-loving, winter-hardy and drought-tolerant spice and medicinal plant. A world-famous typical spice for pizza and sauces. Versatile in relieving inflammation in the body and has a digestive and antibacterial...
  • 0.2g - 2000 Seeds

Curly Parsley Mooskrause [Petroselinum crispum]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial curly parsley 'Mooskrause' is a world-famous and versatile kitchen herb with a naturally strong aroma. In ancient times it was considered a sacred plant, a plant species for every home garden. Ideal for...
  • 5g - 2000 Seeds

Italian Parsley Gigante d´Italica [Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial flat-leaf parsley 'Gigante d'Italica' is an original Italian spice and medicinal plant that is much finer and milder in taste than the curly varieties. Its valuable ingredients help with detoxification and support digestion....
  • 0.5g - 2000 Seeds
  • 15g Seeds
  • 30g Seeds

Thyme [Thymus vulgaris]

€2,50 EUR €1,50 EUR
Perennial thyme is a herb cultivated for cooking which has the typical aroma that is well known today and is used in Mediterranean cuisine. Easy to care for, robust, heat-tolerant, hardy and therefore suitable for...
  • 0.3g - 1000 Seeds

Cilantro [Coriandrum sativum]

€2,50 EUR
Annual coriander is a spice and medicinal plant that was used in ancient times to aid digestion, anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, antibacterials and antifungals. A decoction protects against aphids and cabbage white butterflies. Ideal for direct...
  • 3.5g - 500 Seeds

Dill [Anethum graveolens]

€2,50 EUR €1,25 EUR
Annual dill has been known for thousands of years as a versatile spice and medicinal plant and helps with flatulence, promotes milk flow in breastfeeding women, binds bad breath and aids digestion. Popular as a...
  • 2g - 1000 Seeds

Chervil [Anthriscus cerefolium]

€2,50 EUR €1,50 EUR
Annual chervil is a spice, tea and medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times for seasoning, fasting or detoxification. Chervil has a cleansing effect on the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ideal...
  • 2.5g - 1250 Seeds

Russian Tarragon [Artemisia dracunculus]

€2,50 EUR €1,50 EUR
The perennial russian tarragon is a hardy aromatic, medicinal and spice plant that was used as a scented oil in ancient Egypt and is valued in herbal medicine for its appetite-stimulating, digestive, diuretic, calming and...
  • 0.13g - 500 Seeds

Anise [Pimpinella anisum]

€2,50 EUR €2,00 EUR
The annual anise is a heat-loving and very versatile spice and medicinal plant that is reminiscent of licorice. It is effective against many ailments. It is often used as a spice, in meat dishes, Christmas...
  • 1.5g - 500 Seeds

Summer Savory [Satureja hortensis]

€2,50 EUR
The annual summer savory is a heat-loving herb and medicinal plant. In naturopathy it is used to support digestion, reduce fever and relieve bee stings. Goes perfectly with beans! Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 2g - 1000 Seeds

Spice Tagetes [Tagetes lucida]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial spice tagetes is a robust and little-known spice and medicinal plant. The Aztecs used this plant as a tea or for smoking because of its slightly psychedelic effect. It has a calming effect...
  • 0.25g - 200 Seeds

Wild Arugula [Diplotaxis tenuifolia]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial wild arugula is a hardy Mediterranean wild salad and spice plant. The herb was once considered an aphrodisiac. A pioneer plant and the original form of the rocket we know today. Ideal for direct...
  • 0.8g - 2000 Seeds

Rocket - Arugula [Eruca sativa]

€2,50 EUR
The annual rocket is a salad and spice plant that was already used by the Romans. It has a nutty taste, similar to mustard and cress. Milder than wild rocket. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 2.5g - 2000 Seeds

Marjoram [Origanum majorana]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial marjoram is a heat-loving, very old tea, spice and medicinal plant. The intense aroma has a special characteristic spicy and slightly sweet taste. It has many uses in herbal medicine. Ideal for direct...
  • 0.5g - 2000 Seeds

Lovage [Levisticum officinale]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial lovage is a hardy spice and medicinal plant. An old remedy for throat diseases, with a digestive effect. Very aromatic, spicy and strong in taste. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
  • 0.7g - 220 Seeds

Crown daisy [Glebionis coronaria var. discolor]

€2,50 EUR
The biennial edible Crown daisy is an old farmer's variety, vegetable and medicinal plant, which is also often used as a cut flower. The taste is rather tart-bitter, with a spicy aroma and has fever...
  • 1.5g - 400 Seeds

Creeping Thyme [Thymus serpyllum hort.]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial creeping thyme is a hardy, drought-tolerant and ground-covering wild spice and medicinal plant. Tea herb for poor soils and dry open spaces. Evergreen with an aromatic lemon scent. Ideal for direct sowing or...
  • 0.26g - 1500 Seeds

Watercress [Nasturtium officinale]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial watercress is a vegetable and medicinal plant and one of the four sacred plants of the Druids and provides numerous vitamin-rich leaves that are used as vegetables. The herb has numerous uses in...
  • 0.5g - 2000 Seeds