Cabbage Vegetables

Cabbage is originally descended from the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts and, like all cabbage species, is a descendant of wild cabbage.

Broccoli Calabrese Natalino [Brassica oleracea var. italica]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial broccoli 'Calabrese Natalino' is the original variety that was groundbreaking for other broccoli varieties. Particularly delicate taste with a strikingly tender broccoli aroma. Forms further side shoots after the main harvest. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing in...
  • 0.5g - 100 Seeds

Kale Halbhoher Grüner Krauser [Brassica oleracea var. sabellica]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial kale 'Halbhoher Grüner Krauser' is a vitamin-rich winter cabbage with a strong and delicately spicy taste. This variety is one of the oldest and was already cultivated in Europe in ancient times. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot...
  • 0.5g - 120 Seeds

Red Pointed Cabbage Kalibos [Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba]

€3,00 EUR
€12.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial red pointed cabbage 'Kalibos' is a red cabbage and the only known pointed cabbage variety in the world. The taste of the crisp leaves is very tender and juicy with a mildly sweet aroma, excellent for...
  • 0.25g - 60 seeds

Kohlrabi Dyna [Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial kohlrabi ‘Dyna’ is a unique, very old and fast-growing light blue kohlrabi variety. The juicy, large, hardy tubers taste mild and tender and have a long harvest period. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing spring-autumn, pot cultivation possible, good...
  • 0.5g - 120 Seeds

Asian Mustard Salad Golden Streak [Brassica rapa var. japonica]

€3,00 EUR
€1.500,00 EUR kg
The biennial Asian lettuce 'Golden Streak' has strongly feathered leaves with a mild and spicy taste and the typical mustard cabbage aroma. Very productive over a long period of time. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
  • 2g - 650 Seeds

Asian Salad / Leaf Mustard Cabbage Red Giant [Brassica juncea]

€3,00 EUR
€1.500,00 EUR kg
The biennial Asian salad 'Red Giant' is winter hardy and develops large red leaves with a cress-like, mustard-hot and spicy taste. Very productive over a long period of time. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
  • 2g - 650 seeds

Asian Mustard Vegetable Tokyo Bekana [Brassica rapa var. japonica]

€3,00 EUR
€1.500,00 EUR kg
The biennial Asian vegetable 'Tokyo Bekana' is a fast-growing Asian cabbage variety with loose heads, green leaves and distinctive white veins. Spinach-like, mild and sweet taste with mild peppery nuances. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing in...
  • 2g - 650 Seeds

Chinese Cabbage Granat [Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The annual Chinese cabbage 'Granat' is a strong and aromatic variety with long, slender and closed heads. The firm leaf structure is particularly suitable for steaming and for the wok. Ideal for pre-cultivation, no pot culture, sowing in...
  • 0.5g - 150 Seeds

Cauliflower Odysseus [Brassica oleracea var. botrytis]

€3,00 EUR
€12.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial cauliflower 'Odysseus' is a winter-hardy, very early cauliflower variety with pure white, firm heads. The taste is strong and typically cauliflower-like with an exceptional aroma. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing in spring-autumn, no pot culture, good for...
  • 0.25g - 60 Seeds

Cauliflower Neckarperle [Brassica oleracea var. botrytis]

€3,00 EUR
€12.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial cauliflower 'Neckarperle' is a traditional, frost-hardy early variety with high-domed, fine-grained and pure white heads and strong foliage. The taste is excellent, tender and sweet, like cauliflower. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing in spring or autumn, no...
  • 0.25g - 60 Seeds

Savoy Smaragd [Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda]

€3,00 EUR
€12.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial Savoy cabbage 'Smaragd' is frost-hardy, fast-growing and forms firm, round to oval heads with a medium-short inner stem. The taste is strong and mild, with a fine leaf structure on the inside. Ideal for pre-cultivation, no...
  • 0.25g - 60 Seeds

Red Cabbage Rodynda [Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra]

€3,00 EUR
€12.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial red cabbage 'Rodynda' is a tried and tested short-stemmed cabbage variety with a round to high oval head. Mildly spicy and sweet with an aromatic taste. Ideal for eating raw. Cabbages can be stored for months....
  • 0.25g - 60 Seeds

White Cabbage Wädenswiler [Brassica oleracea convar. capitata]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial 'Wädenswiler' white cabbage forms finely layered, firm heads with a strong and mild, typical white cabbage flavor. Traditional cabbage variety, particularly suitable for sauerkraut and for long-term storage. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing in spring-autumn, no pot...
  • 0.5g - 100 Seeds

Black Kale Nero Di Toscana [Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial black kale 'Nero di Toscana' is a traditional, highly aromatic old cabbage specialty with a palm-like and very decorative growth. This local superfood is very rich in vitamins, tastes mild and does not require any frost...
  • 0,5g - 100 Seeds

Kohlrabi Lanro [Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial kohlrabi ‘Lanro’ is a fast-growing cabbage variety for the whole outdoor session. Winter-hardy and heat-tolerant tubers weighing approx. 700g, slightly sweet, juicy and nutty. Short cultivation time without becoming woody. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing spring-summer-autumn, pot...
  • 0.5g - 120 Seeds

Stalk Cabbage Cima Di Rapa Sessantina [Brassica rapa var. cymosa]

€3,00 EUR
€1.200,00 EUR kg
The annual stalk cabbage ‘Cima di Rapa Sessantina’ is a very fast-growing old variety of turnip cabbage. This type of cabbage is used like broccoli and has a sweet, mild and slightly bitter flavour. A classic winter vegetable...
  • 2.5g - 550 Seeds

Asia Mustard Salad Moutarde Rouge Metis [Brassica juncea]

€3,00 EUR
€1.500,00 EUR kg
The biennial Asian lettuce 'Moutarde Rouge Metis' is fast-growing and has a particularly delicate taste. Medium hot with a pleasant spicy mustard aroma. Very productive over a long period of time. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible,...
  • 2g - 650 Seeds

Asian Mustard Vegetable Tatsoi [Brassica rapa var. rosularis]

€3,00 EUR
€1.500,00 EUR kg
The biennial Asian mustard vegetable ‘Tatsoi’ is an ancient mustard cabbage variety with spoon-shaped, dark green and white-veined leaves and a smooth and creamy leaf texture. Unmistakable, pleasant, mildly spicy flavour. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, autumn...
  • 2g - 650 seeds

Asian Mustard Vegetable Mibuna [Brassica juncea]

€3,00 EUR
€1.500,00 EUR kg
The biennial Asian mustard vegetable ‘Mibuna’ is a hardy Japanese vegetable with many elongated and narrow leaves. The flavour is very mild, aromatic and slightly sweet, with a fine rocket flavour. Suitable for eating raw. Ideal for direct...
  • 2g - 650 Seeds

Asian Mustard Salad Komatsuna [Brassica rapa ssp. nipposinica]

€3,00 EUR
€1.500,00 EUR kg
The biennial Asian mustard vegetable 'Komatsuna' is a high-yielding, fast-growing Asian salad with a sweet, nutty taste. It develops long, oval leaves that are suitable for eating raw or as a fried vegetable. Ideal for direct sowing or...
  • 2g - 650 Seeds

Asian vegetable Pak Choi [Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis]

€3,00 EUR
€1.500,00 EUR kg
The annual Asian mustard vegetable 'Pak Choi' is a fast-growing close relative of Chinese cabbage and forms smaller, looser heads. The taste is nutty, mild and spicy with a slightly bitter note. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation,...
  • 2g - 150 seeds

Broccoli Calabrese Natalino [Brassica oleracea var. italica]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial broccoli 'Calabrese Natalino' is the original variety that was groundbreaking for other broccoli varieties. Particularly delicate taste with a strikingly tender broccoli aroma. Forms further side shoots after the main harvest. Ideal for...
  • 0.5g - 100 Seeds

Kale Halbhoher Grüner Krauser [Brassica oleracea var. sabellica]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial kale 'Halbhoher Grüner Krauser' is a vitamin-rich winter cabbage with a strong and delicately spicy taste. This variety is one of the oldest and was already cultivated in Europe in ancient times. Ideal...
  • 0.5g - 120 Seeds

Red Pointed Cabbage Kalibos [Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial red pointed cabbage 'Kalibos' is a red cabbage and the only known pointed cabbage variety in the world. The taste of the crisp leaves is very tender and juicy with a mildly sweet...
  • 0.25g - 60 seeds

Kohlrabi Dyna [Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial kohlrabi ‘Dyna’ is a unique, very old and fast-growing light blue kohlrabi variety. The juicy, large, hardy tubers taste mild and tender and have a long harvest period. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing spring-autumn, pot...
  • 0.5g - 120 Seeds

Asian Mustard Salad Golden Streak [Brassica rapa var. japonica]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial Asian lettuce 'Golden Streak' has strongly feathered leaves with a mild and spicy taste and the typical mustard cabbage aroma. Very productive over a long period of time. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 2g - 650 Seeds

Asian Salad / Leaf Mustard Cabbage Red Giant [Brassica juncea]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial Asian salad 'Red Giant' is winter hardy and develops large red leaves with a cress-like, mustard-hot and spicy taste. Very productive over a long period of time. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot...
  • 2g - 650 seeds

Asian Mustard Vegetable Tokyo Bekana [Brassica rapa var. japonica]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial Asian vegetable 'Tokyo Bekana' is a fast-growing Asian cabbage variety with loose heads, green leaves and distinctive white veins. Spinach-like, mild and sweet taste with mild peppery nuances. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture...
  • 2g - 650 Seeds

Chinese Cabbage Granat [Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis]

€3,00 EUR
The annual Chinese cabbage 'Granat' is a strong and aromatic variety with long, slender and closed heads. The firm leaf structure is particularly suitable for steaming and for the wok. Ideal for pre-cultivation, no pot...
  • 0.5g - 150 Seeds

Cauliflower Odysseus [Brassica oleracea var. botrytis]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial cauliflower 'Odysseus' is a winter-hardy, very early cauliflower variety with pure white, firm heads. The taste is strong and typically cauliflower-like with an exceptional aroma. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing in spring-autumn, no pot...
  • 0.25g - 60 Seeds

Cauliflower Neckarperle [Brassica oleracea var. botrytis]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial cauliflower 'Neckarperle' is a traditional, frost-hardy early variety with high-domed, fine-grained and pure white heads and strong foliage. The taste is excellent, tender and sweet, like cauliflower. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing in spring...
  • 0.25g - 60 Seeds

Savoy Smaragd [Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial Savoy cabbage 'Smaragd' is frost-hardy, fast-growing and forms firm, round to oval heads with a medium-short inner stem. The taste is strong and mild, with a fine leaf structure on the inside. Ideal...
  • 0.25g - 60 Seeds

Red Cabbage Rodynda [Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial red cabbage 'Rodynda' is a tried and tested short-stemmed cabbage variety with a round to high oval head. Mildly spicy and sweet with an aromatic taste. Ideal for eating raw. Cabbages can be...
  • 0.25g - 60 Seeds

White Cabbage Wädenswiler [Brassica oleracea convar. capitata]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial 'Wädenswiler' white cabbage forms finely layered, firm heads with a strong and mild, typical white cabbage flavor. Traditional cabbage variety, particularly suitable for sauerkraut and for long-term storage. Ideal for pre-cultivation, sowing in...
  • 0.5g - 100 Seeds

Black Kale Nero Di Toscana [Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial black kale 'Nero di Toscana' is a traditional, highly aromatic old cabbage specialty with a palm-like and very decorative growth. This local superfood is very rich in vitamins, tastes mild and does not...
  • 0,5g - 100 Seeds

Kohlrabi Lanro [Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial kohlrabi ‘Lanro’ is a fast-growing cabbage variety for the whole outdoor session. Winter-hardy and heat-tolerant tubers weighing approx. 700g, slightly sweet, juicy and nutty. Short cultivation time without becoming woody. Ideal for pre-cultivation,...
  • 0.5g - 120 Seeds

Stalk Cabbage Cima Di Rapa Sessantina [Brassica rapa var. cymosa]

€3,00 EUR
The annual stalk cabbage ‘Cima di Rapa Sessantina’ is a very fast-growing old variety of turnip cabbage. This type of cabbage is used like broccoli and has a sweet, mild and slightly bitter flavour. A...
  • 2.5g - 550 Seeds

Asia Mustard Salad Moutarde Rouge Metis [Brassica juncea]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial Asian lettuce 'Moutarde Rouge Metis' is fast-growing and has a particularly delicate taste. Medium hot with a pleasant spicy mustard aroma. Very productive over a long period of time. Ideal for direct sowing,...
  • 2g - 650 Seeds

Asian Mustard Vegetable Tatsoi [Brassica rapa var. rosularis]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial Asian mustard vegetable ‘Tatsoi’ is an ancient mustard cabbage variety with spoon-shaped, dark green and white-veined leaves and a smooth and creamy leaf texture. Unmistakable, pleasant, mildly spicy flavour. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 2g - 650 seeds

Asian Mustard Vegetable Mibuna [Brassica juncea]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial Asian mustard vegetable ‘Mibuna’ is a hardy Japanese vegetable with many elongated and narrow leaves. The flavour is very mild, aromatic and slightly sweet, with a fine rocket flavour. Suitable for eating raw....
  • 2g - 650 Seeds

Asian Mustard Salad Komatsuna [Brassica rapa ssp. nipposinica]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial Asian mustard vegetable 'Komatsuna' is a high-yielding, fast-growing Asian salad with a sweet, nutty taste. It develops long, oval leaves that are suitable for eating raw or as a fried vegetable. Ideal for...
  • 2g - 650 Seeds

Asian vegetable Pak Choi [Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis]

€3,00 EUR
The annual Asian mustard vegetable 'Pak Choi' is a fast-growing close relative of Chinese cabbage and forms smaller, looser heads. The taste is nutty, mild and spicy with a slightly bitter note. Ideal for direct...
  • 2g - 150 seeds