Cereals and special

Dyer Chamomile [Cota tinctoria]

€2,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR kg
The perennial dyer's chamomile is an undemanding wild scent and dye plant that was used in the Middle Ages to dye wool yellow. Beautiful bee pasture. The flowers give off a wonderful scent, typical of chamomile. Ideal for...
  • 0.5g - 500 Seeds

Sweet Corn Stowells Evergreen [Zea mays]

€3,00 EUR
€272,73 EUR kg
The annual sweet corn 'Stowell's Evergreen' is a historical and medium-early corn variety with robust growth and a traditional sweet taste. A plant with characteristic creamy white kernels that is worth rediscovering. Ideal for direct sowing, no pot...
  • 11g - 50 Seeds
  • 50g Seeds
  • 150g Seeds

Corn - Popcorn Strawberry [Zea mays]

€3,00 EUR
€750,00 EUR kg
The annual popcorn 'Strawberry Corn' is a medium-early edible rarity with sweet, red-colored kernels. Has a strong flavor of its own. Ideal for colored popcorn. The cobs are smaller than other varieties. Ideal for direct sowing, no pot...
  • 4g - 50 Seeds

Indian Tobacco Santo Domingo Ceremonian [Nicotiana rustica]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial Indian tobacco 'Santo Domingo Ceremonial' is a low-growing and hardy ritual tobacco with a high nicotine content that is used for medicinal applications and for ceremonies. During flowering, it is a nutrient-rich bee pasture. Ideal for...
  • 500 Seeds

Buckwheat- Green manure [Fagopyrum esculentum]

€2,50 EUR
€25,00 EUR kg
Buckwheat is a very old annual green manure, fodder and food crop that originates from Asia and Russia. This fast-growing species was cultivated on a large scale thousands of years ago and used for many applications. As a...
  • 3800 Seeds (sufficient for 10 m²)

Dyer Chamomile [Cota tinctoria]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial dyer's chamomile is an undemanding wild scent and dye plant that was used in the Middle Ages to dye wool yellow. Beautiful bee pasture. The flowers give off a wonderful scent, typical of...
  • 0.5g - 500 Seeds

Sweet Corn Stowells Evergreen [Zea mays]

€3,00 EUR
The annual sweet corn 'Stowell's Evergreen' is a historical and medium-early corn variety with robust growth and a traditional sweet taste. A plant with characteristic creamy white kernels that is worth rediscovering. Ideal for direct...
  • 11g - 50 Seeds
  • 50g Seeds
  • 150g Seeds

Corn - Popcorn Strawberry [Zea mays]

€3,00 EUR
The annual popcorn 'Strawberry Corn' is a medium-early edible rarity with sweet, red-colored kernels. Has a strong flavor of its own. Ideal for colored popcorn. The cobs are smaller than other varieties. Ideal for direct...
  • 4g - 50 Seeds

Indian Tobacco Santo Domingo Ceremonian [Nicotiana rustica]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial Indian tobacco 'Santo Domingo Ceremonial' is a low-growing and hardy ritual tobacco with a high nicotine content that is used for medicinal applications and for ceremonies. During flowering, it is a nutrient-rich bee...
  • 500 Seeds

Buckwheat- Green manure [Fagopyrum esculentum]

€2,50 EUR
Buckwheat is a very old annual green manure, fodder and food crop that originates from Asia and Russia. This fast-growing species was cultivated on a large scale thousands of years ago and used for many...
  • 3800 Seeds (sufficient for 10 m²)