Zucchini / Courgette

Zucchini originally comes from Central America and belongs botanically to the pumpkin family [Cucurbitaceae]. The vegetables are available in different colors: yellow, white or green, with gradients and stripes, round or cylindrical shapes. The variety is unique, including the taste. The fruits and also the flowers of the plant are very popular in the kitchen.
Zucchini seeds are sown as standard using pre-cultivation or direct sowing. In temperate climates, the heat-loving plants, like pumpkins, are raised in warm conditions from April and cultivated outdoors. In subtropical climates, sowing is possible in March in most areas. Details in the descriptions.
When selecting varieties, we attach particular importance to good taste, high yields, early harvests and healthy plants.

Zucchini Alberello Di Sarzana [Cucurbita pepo]

€3,00 EUR
The annual zucchini 'Alberello di Sarzana' is a strong-growing, tried and tested and traditional Italian vegetable. With tender and fruity flesh and a very long harvest period. Ideal for self-sufficiency. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation...
  • 10 Seeds

Zucchini Alberello Di Sarzana [Cucurbita pepo]

€3,00 EUR
The annual zucchini 'Alberello di Sarzana' is a strong-growing, tried and tested and traditional Italian vegetable. With tender and fruity flesh and a very long harvest period. Ideal for self-sufficiency. Ideal for direct sowing or...
  • 10 Seeds