The perennial chives are a spice and medicinal plant with long, medium-strong and coarse-tubular stalks. Strong, upright growth with an intense chive flavor. Antibacterial properties, lowers blood pressure and aids digestion. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-autumn-winter, good for mixed culture, harvesting the flowers and leaves.
The chive is a perennial, vigorous herb and medicinal plant with long, coarse-tubular leaves. This species has been cultivated and valued since the Middle Ages. In nature, chives grow together with other types of leek on dry mountain meadows. This chive is known for its strong, upright growth and its medium-strong, taut stalks. The dark green leaves have an intense chive flavor. Its aroma keeps many known pests away from strawberries and tomatoes. Roses also benefit from its close proximity. The many health benefits are also evident in its healing effects; it has antibacterial properties, lowers blood pressure and aids digestion. Chives are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid and potassium. They are often freshly harvested and used for salads, herb curd, herb butter and dips. They are particularly suitable for outdoor cultivation. Robust against fungal diseases.
General information
Plant family: Amaryllidaceae
Life cycle: Perennial
Days to harvest: 100 days
Plant height approx.: 50 cm
Root type: Heart rooter
Nutrient requirements: Medium
Water requirements: Medium
Winter hardiness: Up to -25°C
Location: Sunny until semi shady
Soil: Permeable, humus-rich loamy soil
pH value: 6 to 7
Sowing and planting information
Germination type: Dark and cold germinator
Sowing depth: 1-2 cm
Optimal germination temperature: 12-18 °C
Germination time: 14-28 days
Plant and row spacing: 15x30 cm
Germination ability of seeds: 2-3 years
Mixed culture
Optimal mixed culture: Dill, Strawberry, Carrot, Kohlrabi, Oregano, Parsley, Celery, Spinach, Tomato
Unfavorable mixed culture: Artichoke
Sowing by climate zone
Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
Direct sowing from November to December is recommended. With artificial stratification, it is possible all year round. The ideal location for the plants is partial shade.
Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Direct sowing from February to April is recommended. With artificial stratification, sowing is possible from May to August. The ideal location for the plants is sunny to partially shaded.
General recommendations
Chives need a cold stimulus of 2 weeks to germinate. Direct sowing and subsequent thinning at the specified planting distance is recommended.
Chives does not tolerate waterlogging.
Additional tips
Germinates irregularly and hesitantly by nature. Chives generally prefer cooler and more humid climates. They also thrive in the shade. In winter the herb retreats completely into the soil and sprouts again very early in the spring. In order to quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and permeable soil with good nutrient and water retention capacity, it is recommended to add biochar and rock flour.
Type of propagation
Propagation occurs via seeds or root division.
Plant care
Regular harvesting is necessary to encourage new growth. Because the plants initially grow slowly, it is advisable to regularly weed surrounding herbs. Fertilizing is advisable twice a year and is recommended in spring to encourage new growth.
Other names
Botanical names: Allium schoenoprasum
English names: Chives
German names: Schnittlauch
Portuguese names: Cebolinho
Spanish names: Cebollino
French names: Ciboulette
Country: Germany