Root vegetables

Carrot Yellow Gochsheimer [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
€1.714,29 EUR kg
The biennial carrot 'Gelbe Gochsheimer' is a healthy and stable carrot variety with 22cm long, strong roots. The taste is slightly sweet, spicy and aromatic. This special variety has a high nutritional quality and is excellent for juices....
  • 1.75g - 1750 Seeds

Carrot White Küttiger [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
€1.714,29 EUR kg
The biennial carrot 'White Küttiger' is a traditional white Swiss late-season variety with roots up to 20cm long and tapering. Firm, aromatic flesh with a strong flavor. Ideal for direct sowing, no pot cultivation, sowing all year round, good...
  • 1.75g - 1750 Seeds

Parsley root Osborne [Petroselinum crispum]

€3,00 EUR
€2.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial parsley root 'Osborne' is a root vegetable with a 22-25 cm long, creamy white root. Intense, spicy and slightly sweet taste, with a mild parsley aroma. Drought tolerant and storable. Ideal for direct sowing, no pot...
  • 1.5g - 800 seeds

Parsnip Half Length White [Pastinaca sativa]

€3,00 EUR €1,00 EUR
€333,33 EUR kg
The biennial parsnip 'Half Length White' is a late and versatile root vegetable variety with interesting health properties. High-yielding variety with 20-30 cm long roots and a pleasant sweet and spicy taste. Ideal for direct sowing, no pot cultivation,...
  • 3g - 550 Seeds
  • 10g Seeds

May Turnip Golden Ball [Brassica rapa subsp. rapa var. majalis]

€3,00 EUR
€1.764,71 EUR kg
The biennial turnip 'Golden Ball' is an old, rare and historic turnip variety with mustard oils, many vitamins and minerals. Yellow-fleshed turnips are winter hardy with a very fast development time for year-round cultivation. Pleasantly mild and relatively...
  • 1.7g - 1000 Seeds

White Beetroot Albina Vereduna [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
€1.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial white beetroot 'Albina Vereduna' develops a sweet and spicy taste and is a robust archetype of the well-known beetroot varieties. Excellent for raw consumption. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year round, good for...
  • 3g - 200 seeds

Yellow Beetroot Burpees Golden [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
€750,00 EUR kg
The biennial yellow beetroot 'Burpees Golden' is a popular and long-kept kitchen treasure and tastes unmistakably pleasantly sweet, juicy and fruity. Excellent for raw food. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year round, good for mixed...
  • 4g - 200 Seeds

Red Beetroot Egyptian Flat round [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
€857,14 EUR kg
The biennial beetroot 'Egyptian Flat Round' is an old original red variety that was groundbreaking for other newer red varieties. Mild, earthy, sweet taste. Excellent for raw food. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year round,...
  • 3.5g - 200 Seeds

Winter Radish Round Black Winter [Raphanus sativus var. niger]

€3,00 EUR
€857,14 EUR kg
The annual radish 'Round Black Winter' is an almost forgotten autumn and winter radish variety with round roots weighing 300 to 500g. Fresh, spicy to hot taste. Excellent for storage and eating raw. Ideal for sowing directly, pot...
  • 3.5g - 420 Seeds

Summer Radish Zürcher Markt [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
€1.000,00 EUR kg
The annual summer radish 'Zürcher Markt' is a radish variety for summer cultivation with 10-15 cm long and thick roots. Only 40 days of cultivation time. Juicy, strong, spicy and slightly hot taste. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 3g - 250 Seeds

Radish Sora [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
€600,00 EUR kg
The annual radish 'Sora' is a very fast-growing root vegetable with crimson roots that remain tender and firm for a long time. Mild, spicy taste with a slight spiciness. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer-autumn,...
  • 5g - 400 Seeds

Radish White Icicle [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR €1,50 EUR
€300,00 EUR kg
The annual radish 'White Icicle' is a hardy and very fast-growing root vegetable. The white variety develops 10-15 cm long, juicy roots with a spicy and pleasant, slightly hot taste. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
  • 5g - 400 Seeds

Tiger Nut Chufa [Cyperus esculentus var. sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial tiger nut 'Chufa' is a delicacy among vegetables and medicinal plants. The roots can be used like almonds and have an incomparably sweet, nutty taste. Versatile and very easy to cultivate. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 10 Rhizome

Chervis Sugarroot [Sium sisarum]

€3,00 EUR €1,50 EUR
€3.750,00 EUR kg
The perennial sugarroot is a very old, hardy and forgotten original root vegetable variety with a very high sugar content. The roots grow to 15 to 20 cm long and taste mealy and sweet. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 0.4g - 250 Seeds

Celeriac Monarch [Apium graveolens var. rapaceum]

€3,00 EUR
€12.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial celeriac 'Monarch' is a vegetable and medicinal plant variety with large trapezoidal to round and heavy tubers. Mild and slightly nutty taste with health benefits, excellent for raw food. Long storage life. Ideal for pre-cultivation, no...
  • 0.25g - 300 seeds

Beetroot Tonda di Chioggia [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
€1.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial beetroot 'Tonda di Chioggia' is a traditional Italian light red variety with white rings in the flesh. A speciality for juicing or for raw consumption with a particularly pleasant, delicate, sweet taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot...
  • 3g - 200 Samen

Red Maca - Peruvian Cress [Lepidium meyenii]

€3,00 EUR
€15.000,00 EUR kg
The biennial Red Maca is a root vegetable, medicinal plant and a former source of strength for the Incas. This type of cress thrives particularly well at high altitudes. Firm and tender flesh with a slightly nutty taste....
  • 0.20g - 150 Seeds

Carrot Rodelika [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
€1.714,29 EUR kg
The biennial carrot 'Rodelika' is an early and strong-growing root vegetable with large, long, blunt and smooth-skinned roots and a characteristic sweet carrot flavor. Its valuable ingredients make it ideal for high-quality juices. Ideal for direct sowing, no...
  • 1,75g - 1750 Seeds

Carrot Yellow Gochsheimer [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial carrot 'Gelbe Gochsheimer' is a healthy and stable carrot variety with 22cm long, strong roots. The taste is slightly sweet, spicy and aromatic. This special variety has a high nutritional quality and is...
  • 1.75g - 1750 Seeds

Carrot White Küttiger [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial carrot 'White Küttiger' is a traditional white Swiss late-season variety with roots up to 20cm long and tapering. Firm, aromatic flesh with a strong flavor. Ideal for direct sowing, no pot cultivation, sowing all...
  • 1.75g - 1750 Seeds

Parsley root Osborne [Petroselinum crispum]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial parsley root 'Osborne' is a root vegetable with a 22-25 cm long, creamy white root. Intense, spicy and slightly sweet taste, with a mild parsley aroma. Drought tolerant and storable. Ideal for direct...
  • 1.5g - 800 seeds

Parsnip Half Length White [Pastinaca sativa]

€3,00 EUR €1,00 EUR
The biennial parsnip 'Half Length White' is a late and versatile root vegetable variety with interesting health properties. High-yielding variety with 20-30 cm long roots and a pleasant sweet and spicy taste. Ideal for direct sowing,...
  • 3g - 550 Seeds
  • 10g Seeds

May Turnip Golden Ball [Brassica rapa subsp. rapa var. majalis]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial turnip 'Golden Ball' is an old, rare and historic turnip variety with mustard oils, many vitamins and minerals. Yellow-fleshed turnips are winter hardy with a very fast development time for year-round cultivation. Pleasantly...
  • 1.7g - 1000 Seeds

White Beetroot Albina Vereduna [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial white beetroot 'Albina Vereduna' develops a sweet and spicy taste and is a robust archetype of the well-known beetroot varieties. Excellent for raw consumption. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year...
  • 3g - 200 seeds

Yellow Beetroot Burpees Golden [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial yellow beetroot 'Burpees Golden' is a popular and long-kept kitchen treasure and tastes unmistakably pleasantly sweet, juicy and fruity. Excellent for raw food. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year round,...
  • 4g - 200 Seeds

Red Beetroot Egyptian Flat round [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial beetroot 'Egyptian Flat Round' is an old original red variety that was groundbreaking for other newer red varieties. Mild, earthy, sweet taste. Excellent for raw food. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
  • 3.5g - 200 Seeds

Winter Radish Round Black Winter [Raphanus sativus var. niger]

€3,00 EUR
The annual radish 'Round Black Winter' is an almost forgotten autumn and winter radish variety with round roots weighing 300 to 500g. Fresh, spicy to hot taste. Excellent for storage and eating raw. Ideal for...
  • 3.5g - 420 Seeds

Summer Radish Zürcher Markt [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual summer radish 'Zürcher Markt' is a radish variety for summer cultivation with 10-15 cm long and thick roots. Only 40 days of cultivation time. Juicy, strong, spicy and slightly hot taste. Ideal for...
  • 3g - 250 Seeds

Radish Sora [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The annual radish 'Sora' is a very fast-growing root vegetable with crimson roots that remain tender and firm for a long time. Mild, spicy taste with a slight spiciness. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
  • 5g - 400 Seeds

Radish White Icicle [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR €1,50 EUR
The annual radish 'White Icicle' is a hardy and very fast-growing root vegetable. The white variety develops 10-15 cm long, juicy roots with a spicy and pleasant, slightly hot taste. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
  • 5g - 400 Seeds

Tiger Nut Chufa [Cyperus esculentus var. sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The perennial tiger nut 'Chufa' is a delicacy among vegetables and medicinal plants. The roots can be used like almonds and have an incomparably sweet, nutty taste. Versatile and very easy to cultivate. Ideal for direct...
  • 10 Rhizome

Chervis Sugarroot [Sium sisarum]

€3,00 EUR €1,50 EUR
The perennial sugarroot is a very old, hardy and forgotten original root vegetable variety with a very high sugar content. The roots grow to 15 to 20 cm long and taste mealy and sweet. Ideal for...
  • 0.4g - 250 Seeds

Celeriac Monarch [Apium graveolens var. rapaceum]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial celeriac 'Monarch' is a vegetable and medicinal plant variety with large trapezoidal to round and heavy tubers. Mild and slightly nutty taste with health benefits, excellent for raw food. Long storage life. Ideal...
  • 0.25g - 300 seeds

Beetroot Tonda di Chioggia [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial beetroot 'Tonda di Chioggia' is a traditional Italian light red variety with white rings in the flesh. A speciality for juicing or for raw consumption with a particularly pleasant, delicate, sweet taste. Ideal...
  • 3g - 200 Samen

Red Maca - Peruvian Cress [Lepidium meyenii]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial Red Maca is a root vegetable, medicinal plant and a former source of strength for the Incas. This type of cress thrives particularly well at high altitudes. Firm and tender flesh with a...
  • 0.20g - 150 Seeds

Carrot Rodelika [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
The biennial carrot 'Rodelika' is an early and strong-growing root vegetable with large, long, blunt and smooth-skinned roots and a characteristic sweet carrot flavor. Its valuable ingredients make it ideal for high-quality juices. Ideal for...
  • 1,75g - 1750 Seeds