The lettuce 'Rolando' is an annual medium-early leafy vegetable which was selected in Germany from 1994 onwards for drought tolerance and resistance. The robust classic butter salad forms large heads with well-closed undersides. The shiny, fresh green leaves have a mild, juicy, very delicate and buttery flavor, with a slightly spicy aroma. Resistant to downy mildew. The variety can be harvested over a long period of time. For spring and autumn cultivation.
General information
Plant family: Asteraceae
Life Cycle: One year
Days to harvest: 80 days
Plant height approx.: 25 cm
Root Type: Deep Root
Nutrient requirements: Weak Eaters
Water Requirements: Means
Winter hardiness: Up to 0 °C
Location: Sunny to partially shaded
Floor: Permeable, moist, slightly loamy, humus
PH: 5.5 to 6.5
Sowing and planting information
Germ Type: Light germ
Seed Depth: 0 cm
Optimal germination temperature: 14-18 °C
Germination time: 5-7 days
Planting, row spacing: 25x25 cm
Optimal mixed culture: Bean, savory, dill, pea, strawberry, cucumber, cabbage, leek, carrot, radish, horseradish, rhubarb, beetroot, salsify, tomato, onion
Unfavorable mixed culture: Parsley, celery
Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
Sow directly into the open from January to April or in autumn from September to December. We recommend pre-cultivation in small bowls from January to April or in autumn from September to December.
Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Sow directly into the frost-free open air from February to July. We recommend pre-cultivation in small bowls from February to July.
We always recommend pre-culture for lettuce, and let the seedlings grow up to the first visible lettuce leaves in a small bowl, then piqued into the desired container. After peckering, let the seedlings grow at moderate temperatures until they are planted out as seedlings. The planting of the seedlings in the bed is carried out from the 2nd Pair of leaves after the cotyledders.
Salad plants prefer a sunny to partially shaded location with a moist, humus-rich and slightly loamy soil. Avoid waterlogging.
Additional tips
For a long harvest period, harvest 1/4 of the leaves from the outside to the inside, taking care not to damage the heart to keep growth stable. In order to quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and well-drained soil, an additional incorporation of biochar and primeval rock flour is recommended.
Type of propagation
Spread occurs via seeds.
Care Plants
A loosened soil and planting in mixed culture is sufficient for lettuce.
Germination ability of seeds: 3-4 years
Other Names
Botanical names: Lactuca sativa var. capitata
English Names: Head lettuce
German names: Kopfsalat
Portuguese names: Alface
Spanish Names: Lechuga
French names: Laitue