Collection: Sowing summer subtropics climate (Mediterranean)

Iceberg Lettuce Saladin [Lactuca sativa var. capitata]

€3,00 EUR
The iceberg lettuce 'Saladin' is an annual, mid-early, traditional and heat-tolerant summer iceberg lettuce variety for all-year cultivation. The iceberg lettuce grows compact and uniform with overlapping leaves and a well-enclosed underside. The taste is...
  • 200 Seeds
  • 1 Seedling

Chard Rainbow [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The 'Rainbow' chard is a biennial leafy vegetable and chard mix of four pure-colored varieties: Oriole (yellow), Rosho (red), Salimo (purple), and Limago (orange). Already in ancient Greece and Rome he was valued as a...
  • 100 Seeds
  • 1 Seedling

Batavia Lettuce Maravilla De Verano [Lactuca sativa var. crispa]

€3,00 EUR
The Batavia lettuce 'Maravilla de Verano' is a 19th-century annual old leafy vegetable. Century, which originally comes from France. This robust and fast-growing salad variety is also suitable as a lettuce cultivation and shows safe...
  • 200 Seeds

Artischoke Imperial Star [Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus]

€3,00 EUR
The 'Imperial Star' artichoke is an ancient perennial leafy vegetable and medicinal plant from the Mediterranean region. Already by the ancient Egyptians, this flowering vegetable was highly valued and cultivated. in the 13th Century in...
  • 25 seeds

Tree spinach - Magenta Spreen [Chenopodium giganteum]

€2,50 EUR
The tree spinach is an old annual wild vegetable plant and originally comes from the Himalayas, India and Nepal. In India, the plant has been cultivated as a leafy vegetable since ancient times. In Europe,...
  • 500 Seeds

White Cabbage Wädenswiler [Brassica oleracea convar. capitata]

€3,00 EUR
The 'Wädenswiler' white cabbage is a biennial and historic variety of cabbage vegetables from the town of the same name Wädenswil in Switzerland. This medium-late and grown white cabbage variety originally comes from the wild...
  • 100 Seeds

Red pointed cabbage Kalibos [Brassica oleracea var. Capitata f. alba]

€3,00 EUR
The red pointed cabbage 'Kalibos' is a two-year old Czech red cabbage and only the only existing known variety of this species. The almost forgotten special pointed cabbage forms cylindrical, pointed and firm heads of...
  • 100 seeds

Black Kale Nero Di Toscana [Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia]

€3,00 EUR
The palm cabbage 'Nero di Toscana' is a biennial, highly aromatic old cabbage specialty from the 18th century. Century with palm-like and very decorative growth. Even then in Roman times, this vitamin-rich variety was very...
  • 120 Seeds

Brokkoli Calabrese Natalino [Brassica oleracea var. italica]

€3,00 EUR
The broccoli 'Calabrese Natalino' is an ancient biennial, mid-early and traditional Italian type of cabbage that paved the way for the popularization of broccoli. Already in the time of the Romans, this cabbage vegetable was...
  • 220 Seeds

Pickling Cucumber Vorgebirgstrauben [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The pickling cucumber 'Vorgebirgstrauben' is a mixed-flowering old, annual and early cucumber variety, with dioecious growth. The wild form of the cucumber [Cucumis sativus var. Hardwickii] was already cultivated 4000 years ago in northern India....
  • 25 Seeds

Cocktail Tomato Sugar Grape [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The cocktail tomato 'Sugar Grape' is a perennial old and precocious bar tomato variety from Germany. The high-yielding and strong variety grows robustly and is also ideally suited for the bucket. The plant forms many...
  • 40 Seeds

Oxheart Tomato Sonnenherz [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The ox heart tomato 'Sonnenherz' is a perennial, early-ripening rarity among tomato varieties that was developed in Germany. This special rod tomato variety has an easy-to-care light and robust growth, with a super yield. The...
  • 40 Seeds

Beef Tomato Rose De Berne [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The beef tomato 'Rose de Berne' is a perennial old Swiss variety and is one of the popular historical tomato varieties. The robust stick tomato is a medium late variety and has a noticeably different...
  • 30 Seeds

Beef Tomato San Marzano [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The beef tomato 'San Marzano' is a perennial, ancient and traditional variety of tomatoes from Campania in Italy. This particularly tasty late bar tomato variety is ideal for soups, sauces and for the production of...
  • 30 Seeds

Carrot Rodelika [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
The carrot 'Rodelika' is a biennial root vegetable variety and was created in Germany in 1985 by selection from the old Rothild variety. The highly grown plants form strong dark green foliage and develop large,...
  • 1750 Seeds

Summer Radish Zürcher Markt [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The radish 'Zürcher Markt' is an old annual pre-summer and summer radish root vegetable variety that has been grown as a vegetable and medicinal plant in Switzerland since the Middle Ages. The plants have a...
  • 250 Seeds

Radish Sora [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
Radish 'Sora' is an ancient, annual and very fast-growing root vegetable variety. After a short time, the plants develop medium-long leaves and small, round, luminous and carmine tubers, which remain tight and firm for a...
  • 400 Seeds

Beetroot Egyptian Platt round [Beta vulgaris]

€0,50 EUR
The beetroot 'Egyptian Plattrunde' is an old two-year-old and the most original red variety that has been native to the Mediterranean since 1868, in Lombardy-a rural area in France. This robust and fast-growing variety evolved...
  • 200 Seeds
  • 1 Seedling

Yellow Beetroot Burpees Golden [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The Yellow Beetroot 'Burpees Golden' is a very old, fast-growing and biennial root vegetable that originally comes from the Mediterranean and has been around since the 16th century. Century in Europe is cultivated year-round. Already...
  • 200 Seeds

Lemon Bee Balm [Monarda citriodora]

€2,50 EUR
The lemon monard or Indian mint is a perennial spice and medicinal plant from the southern USA and northern Mexico and occurs wild on limestone slopes. Long before the species reached Europe, it was used...
  • 500 Seeds

Lemon Balm [Melissa officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
Lemon balm is an old perennial spice and medicinal plant with a long tradition that can live 25 to 30 years. The species comes from the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia, it is also an...
  • 500 seeds

Dragon Head - Turkish Balm [Dracocephalum moldavicum]

€2,50 EUR
The dragon's head is an annual tea plant that has a long tradition and is native to southeastern Russia, Moldova, Turkey and Iran. The plants form several upright and branched stems that are colored purple...
  • 800 Seeds

Chamomile [Matricaria chamomilla]

€2,50 EUR
Chamomile is a very old annual and historical herbaceous medicinal plant from Southern and Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The ancient Egyptians worshiped this plant and Charlemagne even made the cultivation of the real...
  • 3500 seeds

Marigold orange [Calendula officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
The marigold is a very old annual and important medicinal plant that comes from Northwest Africa. It has been in Central Europe since the 12th Century cultivated as a medicinal plant and today is one...
  • 3g - 300 seeds
  • 10g Seeds
  • 25g Seeds

Creeping Thyme [Thymus serpyllum hort.]

€2,50 EUR
The creeping thyme, also known as sand thyme, is a perennial ground-covering wild spice and medicinal plant from the cool to temperate areas of Central, Eastern and Northern Europe. This hardy species is drought tolerant...
  • 1000 Seeds

Thyme [Thymus vulgaris]

€2,00 EUR €2,50 EUR
Thyme is an ancient, evergreen and perennial spice and medicinal herb that was already cultivated and used in ancient Greece. The cultivated plant grows wild mainly in the countries around the Mediterranean. The plant is...
  • 1000 Seeds

Italian Basil Genoveser [Ocimum basilicum]

€2,50 EUR
The Italian 'Genoveser' basil is an ancient perennial spice and medicinal plant. The wild form has its origins in tropical and subtropical Asia and Australia. With its typical intense aroma and sweet taste, this variety...
  • 800 Seeds

Holy Basil Tulsi [Ocimum tenuifolium syn. sanctum]

€2,50 EUR
Holy Basil 'Tulsi' is a perennial and very ancient sacred Ayurvedic medicinal plant that is planted and worshiped around temples in India. The leaves are used primarily as a tea to combat all weaknesses in...
  • 500 Seeds

Catmint [Nepeta cataria]

€2,50 EUR
Catmint is a perennial hardy tea, medicinal plant and bee pasture native to southern Europe. In Eurasia, the cat-loving plant is widespread and can be found in Europe at altitudes of up to 900 meters....
  • 500 Seeds

Apple mint [Mentha rotundifolia]

€3,00 EUR
The apple mint is a perennial, hardy perennial, spice and medicinal plant that has been widespread in farm gardens in Central Europe for a long time. The heat-loving special species originally comes from parts of...
  • 1000 seeds

Peppermint [Mentha x piperita]

€2,50 EUR
Peppermint is an ancient perennial aromatic, tea, spice and medicinal plant that has been known since ancient times and in Europe since the 17th century. This species was created through a natural cross between water...
  • 500 Seeds

Rosemary [Rosmarinus officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
Rosemary is an old perennial spice and medicinal plant that comes from the Mediterranean and has been around since the 14th century. Century was used as a medicinal plant. Due to its aromatic and resinous...
  • 100 Seeds

Sage [Salvia officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
Sage is a perennial woody perennial and is one of the traditional old tea, medicinal and spice herbs. Originally native to Asia Minor and North Africa, the sun-loving plant has been grown in Europe since...
  • 100 Seeds

Borage [Borago officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
Borage is a very old annual spice and medicinal plant that is native to the Mediterranean region and has been cultivated in Central Europe since the late Middle Ages. The robust plant has heavily hairy...
  • 2,1g - 100 seeds
  • 10g Seeds
  • 25g Seeds

Lovage [Levisticum officinale]

€2,50 EUR
Lovage is a perennial, hardy spice and medicinal plant from the Middle East. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, lovage was one of the most widespread herbs in northwestern Italy (Liguria). In earlier popular...
  • 220 Seeds

Rue - Herb of Grace [Ruta graveolens]

€2,50 EUR
Rue is a perennial wild herb and medicinal plant that has been known since ancient times around 800 BC and originally comes from the Mediterranean region. A plant with an incomparably strong sweet-aromatic aroma. This...
  • 225 Seeds

St. John´s Wort [Hypericum perforatum]

€2,50 EUR
St. John's wort is a very old perennial medicinal herb that has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times and is highly valued. St. John's wort originally comes from Europe, North Africa and...
  • 1000 Seeds

Annual Mugwort [Artemisia annua]

€3,00 EUR
This mugwort species is an annual medicinal plant and comes naturally from China where it is called Qing Hao. This special medicinal herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for about 2,000 years and...
  • 100 seeds

Fennel Bulbs Selma [Foeniculum vulgare]

€3,00 EUR
The fennel bulbs 'Selma' is an annual and early ripening leafy vegetable and medicinal plant. Fennel is native to the Mediterranean and the Near East. As a result of the conquest, this plant was brought...
  • 130 Seeds

Dyer Chamomile [Cota tinctoria]

€2,50 EUR
Dyer's chamomile is an old wild perennial scent and dye plant that was used to dye wool yellow in the Middle Ages and is native to parts of Europe and Asia. The robust and drought-tolerant...
  • 500 Seeds

Chili De Cayenne [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The chili 'De Cayenne' is a perennial fruit vegetable plant and is the best known hot chili. This variety is originally from the capital of French Guiana and is mainly ground into a fine chili...
  • 40 Seeds

Pointed Pepper Lady Lou [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The pointed pepper 'Lady Lou' is an early, perennial and particularly rare fruit vegetable plant. This bright orange variety is originally from Switzerland near Lake Constance. The plants grow vigorously and produce a large number...
  • 25 Seeds

Zucchini Alberello Di Sarzana [Cucurbita pepo]

€3,00 EUR
The zucchini 'Alberello di Sarzana' is an annual, ancient and traditional Italian fruit vegetable. The rare and tried and tested variety has its origins in the city of Sarzana in Liguria, in the north of...
  • 10 Seeds

Stalk Cabbage Cima Di Rapa Sessantina [Brassica rapa var. cymosa]

€3,00 EUR
The Stalk Cabbage 'Cima di Rapa Sessantina' is an ancient annual variety of the May bub from Apulia and Campania in Italy from the Mediterranean region. This fast-growing species of cabbage forms many small broccoli...
  • 550 Seeds

Cucumber Tanja [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The cucumber 'Tanja' is an ancient, annual and mixed flowering-dioecious free-range cucumber varieties. Cucumbers have been known to people for thousands of years and have been used as medicinal plants and food. The naturally robust...
  • 20 Seeds

Kohlrabi Lanro [Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes]

€3,00 EUR
The kohlrabi 'Lanro' is a biennial, historical and fast-growing open-air variety, from Germany. The robust white-green variety forms flat-round tubers that do not woody. The hardy and heat-tolerant kohlrabi develops robust plants and has a...
  • 120 Seeds

Summer Savory [Satureja hortensis]

€2,50 EUR
The summer savory is an annual spice and medicinal plant that originally comes from West and Central Asia and has been used as a spice since ancient times. The evergreen plants grow bushy and quickly...
  • 1000 Seeds

Knollensellerie Monarch [there's Apium graveolens. Rapaceum]

€3,00 EUR
The celeriac 'Monarch' is a very old two-year vegetable and medicinal plant variety from the 17th century. Century originating in the Mediterranean. In ancient Egypt it was already known as a popular vegetable, it was...
  • 300 seeds
  • 1 Setzling

Mullein [Verbascum densiflorum]

€2,50 EUR
The mullein is a very old two-year medicinal plant native to southern Europe, Russia and Siberia. Already in ancient times and by Hippocrates it was recognized as a medicinal plant and used for wounds or...
  • 2000 seeds

Balsam herb-Marian herb [Tanacetum balsamita]

€2,50 EUR
The balsam herb is an ancient, perennial, edible wild spice, fragrance and medicinal plant from the temperate latitudes of Asia and North America. Also known as Marian herb, the plant has been grown since ancient...
  • 300 seeds

Iceberg Lettuce Saladin [Lactuca sativa var. capitata]

€3,00 EUR
The iceberg lettuce 'Saladin' is an annual, mid-early, traditional and heat-tolerant summer iceberg lettuce variety for all-year cultivation. The iceberg lettuce grows compact and uniform with overlapping leaves and a well-enclosed underside. The taste is fresh, spicy and...
  • 200 Seeds
  • 1 Seedling

Chard Rainbow [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The 'Rainbow' chard is a biennial leafy vegetable and chard mix of four pure-colored varieties: Oriole (yellow), Rosho (red), Salimo (purple), and Limago (orange). Already in ancient Greece and Rome he was valued as a vegetable. This colorful...
  • 100 Seeds
  • 1 Seedling

Batavia Lettuce Maravilla De Verano [Lactuca sativa var. crispa]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The Batavia lettuce 'Maravilla de Verano' is a 19th-century annual old leafy vegetable. Century, which originally comes from France. This robust and fast-growing salad variety is also suitable as a lettuce cultivation and shows safe yields in warm...
  • 200 Seeds

Artischoke Imperial Star [Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus]

€3,00 EUR
€2.857,14 EUR kg
The 'Imperial Star' artichoke is an ancient perennial leafy vegetable and medicinal plant from the Mediterranean region. Already by the ancient Egyptians, this flowering vegetable was highly valued and cultivated. in the 13th Century in Europe, the artichoke...
  • 25 seeds

Tree spinach - Magenta Spreen [Chenopodium giganteum]

€2,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR kg
The tree spinach is an old annual wild vegetable plant and originally comes from the Himalayas, India and Nepal. In India, the plant has been cultivated as a leafy vegetable since ancient times. In Europe, this plant species...
  • 500 Seeds

White Cabbage Wädenswiler [Brassica oleracea convar. capitata]

€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR kg
The 'Wädenswiler' white cabbage is a biennial and historic variety of cabbage vegetables from the town of the same name Wädenswil in Switzerland. This medium-late and grown white cabbage variety originally comes from the wild cabbage from the...
  • 100 Seeds

Red pointed cabbage Kalibos [Brassica oleracea var. Capitata f. alba]

€3,00 EUR
The red pointed cabbage 'Kalibos' is a two-year old Czech red cabbage and only the only existing known variety of this species. The almost forgotten special pointed cabbage forms cylindrical, pointed and firm heads of cabbage in an...
  • 100 seeds

Black Kale Nero Di Toscana [Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia]

€3,00 EUR
The palm cabbage 'Nero di Toscana' is a biennial, highly aromatic old cabbage specialty from the 18th century. Century with palm-like and very decorative growth. Even then in Roman times, this vitamin-rich variety was very popular, today it...
  • 120 Seeds

Brokkoli Calabrese Natalino [Brassica oleracea var. italica]

€3,00 EUR
€3.000,00 EUR kg
The broccoli 'Calabrese Natalino' is an ancient biennial, mid-early and traditional Italian type of cabbage that paved the way for the popularization of broccoli. Already in the time of the Romans, this cabbage vegetable was a popular food....
  • 220 Seeds

Pickling Cucumber Vorgebirgstrauben [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The pickling cucumber 'Vorgebirgstrauben' is a mixed-flowering old, annual and early cucumber variety, with dioecious growth. The wild form of the cucumber [Cucumis sativus var. Hardwickii] was already cultivated 4000 years ago in northern India. The robust plant...
  • 25 Seeds

Cocktail Tomato Sugar Grape [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The cocktail tomato 'Sugar Grape' is a perennial old and precocious bar tomato variety from Germany. The high-yielding and strong variety grows robustly and is also ideally suited for the bucket. The plant forms many small and bright...
  • 40 Seeds

Oxheart Tomato Sonnenherz [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The ox heart tomato 'Sonnenherz' is a perennial, early-ripening rarity among tomato varieties that was developed in Germany. This special rod tomato variety has an easy-to-care light and robust growth, with a super yield. The special multicolored flamed...
  • 40 Seeds

Beef Tomato Rose De Berne [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The beef tomato 'Rose de Berne' is a perennial old Swiss variety and is one of the popular historical tomato varieties. The robust stick tomato is a medium late variety and has a noticeably different size, pink fruits....
  • 30 Seeds

Beef Tomato San Marzano [Solanum lycopersicum]

€3,00 EUR
The beef tomato 'San Marzano' is a perennial, ancient and traditional variety of tomatoes from Campania in Italy. This particularly tasty late bar tomato variety is ideal for soups, sauces and for the production of tomato paste. The...
  • 30 Seeds

Carrot Rodelika [Daucus carota]

€3,00 EUR
The carrot 'Rodelika' is a biennial root vegetable variety and was created in Germany in 1985 by selection from the old Rothild variety. The highly grown plants form strong dark green foliage and develop large, long, dull and...
  • 1750 Seeds

Summer Radish Zürcher Markt [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The radish 'Zürcher Markt' is an old annual pre-summer and summer radish root vegetable variety that has been grown as a vegetable and medicinal plant in Switzerland since the Middle Ages. The plants have a rosette-like growth form...
  • 250 Seeds

Radish Sora [Raphanus sativus]

€3,00 EUR
Radish 'Sora' is an ancient, annual and very fast-growing root vegetable variety. After a short time, the plants develop medium-long leaves and small, round, luminous and carmine tubers, which remain tight and firm for a long time even...
  • 400 Seeds

Beetroot Egyptian Platt round [Beta vulgaris]

€0,50 EUR
The beetroot 'Egyptian Plattrunde' is an old two-year-old and the most original red variety that has been native to the Mediterranean since 1868, in Lombardy-a rural area in France. This robust and fast-growing variety evolved from the whitebed....
  • 200 Seeds
  • 1 Seedling

Yellow Beetroot Burpees Golden [Beta vulgaris]

€3,00 EUR
The Yellow Beetroot 'Burpees Golden' is a very old, fast-growing and biennial root vegetable that originally comes from the Mediterranean and has been around since the 16th century. Century in Europe is cultivated year-round. Already in 2000 BC....
  • 200 Seeds

Lemon Bee Balm [Monarda citriodora]

€2,50 EUR
The lemon monard or Indian mint is a perennial spice and medicinal plant from the southern USA and northern Mexico and occurs wild on limestone slopes. Long before the species reached Europe, it was used by Native Americans...
  • 500 Seeds

Lemon Balm [Melissa officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
Lemon balm is an old perennial spice and medicinal plant with a long tradition that can live 25 to 30 years. The species comes from the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia, it is also an important part of...
  • 500 seeds

Dragon Head - Turkish Balm [Dracocephalum moldavicum]

€2,50 EUR
The dragon's head is an annual tea plant that has a long tradition and is native to southeastern Russia, Moldova, Turkey and Iran. The plants form several upright and branched stems that are colored purple and covered with...
  • 800 Seeds

Chamomile [Matricaria chamomilla]

€2,50 EUR
Chamomile is a very old annual and historical herbaceous medicinal plant from Southern and Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The ancient Egyptians worshiped this plant and Charlemagne even made the cultivation of the real chamomile compulsory. In...
  • 3500 seeds

Marigold orange [Calendula officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
€833,33 EUR kg
The marigold is a very old annual and important medicinal plant that comes from Northwest Africa. It has been in Central Europe since the 12th Century cultivated as a medicinal plant and today is one of the most...
  • 3g - 300 seeds
  • 10g Seeds
  • 25g Seeds

Creeping Thyme [Thymus serpyllum hort.]

€2,50 EUR
The creeping thyme, also known as sand thyme, is a perennial ground-covering wild spice and medicinal plant from the cool to temperate areas of Central, Eastern and Northern Europe. This hardy species is drought tolerant and can also...
  • 1000 Seeds

Thyme [Thymus vulgaris]

€2,00 EUR €2,50 EUR
€6.666,67 EUR kg
Thyme is an ancient, evergreen and perennial spice and medicinal herb that was already cultivated and used in ancient Greece. The cultivated plant grows wild mainly in the countries around the Mediterranean. The plant is very robust, heat-tolerant,...
  • 1000 Seeds

Italian Basil Genoveser [Ocimum basilicum]

€2,50 EUR
The Italian 'Genoveser' basil is an ancient perennial spice and medicinal plant. The wild form has its origins in tropical and subtropical Asia and Australia. With its typical intense aroma and sweet taste, this variety is the most...
  • 800 Seeds

Holy Basil Tulsi [Ocimum tenuifolium syn. sanctum]

€2,50 EUR
Holy Basil 'Tulsi' is a perennial and very ancient sacred Ayurvedic medicinal plant that is planted and worshiped around temples in India. The leaves are used primarily as a tea to combat all weaknesses in the digestive tract,...
  • 500 Seeds

Catmint [Nepeta cataria]

€2,50 EUR
Catmint is a perennial hardy tea, medicinal plant and bee pasture native to southern Europe. In Eurasia, the cat-loving plant is widespread and can be found in Europe at altitudes of up to 900 meters. Cats are especially...
  • 500 Seeds

Apple mint [Mentha rotundifolia]

€3,00 EUR
€20.000,00 EUR kg
The apple mint is a perennial, hardy perennial, spice and medicinal plant that has been widespread in farm gardens in Central Europe for a long time. The heat-loving special species originally comes from parts of Western and Southern...
  • 1000 seeds

Peppermint [Mentha x piperita]

€2,50 EUR
Peppermint is an ancient perennial aromatic, tea, spice and medicinal plant that has been known since ancient times and in Europe since the 17th century. This species was created through a natural cross between water mint and spearmint...
  • 500 Seeds

Rosemary [Rosmarinus officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
Rosemary is an old perennial spice and medicinal plant that comes from the Mediterranean and has been around since the 14th century. Century was used as a medicinal plant. Due to its aromatic and resinous scent, it is...
  • 100 Seeds

Sage [Salvia officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
Sage is a perennial woody perennial and is one of the traditional old tea, medicinal and spice herbs. Originally native to Asia Minor and North Africa, the sun-loving plant has been grown in Europe since ancient times. Sage...
  • 100 Seeds

Borage [Borago officinalis]

€2,50 EUR
€1.190,48 EUR kg
Borage is a very old annual spice and medicinal plant that is native to the Mediterranean region and has been cultivated in Central Europe since the late Middle Ages. The robust plant has heavily hairy leaves, stems and...
  • 2,1g - 100 seeds
  • 10g Seeds
  • 25g Seeds

Lovage [Levisticum officinale]

€2,50 EUR
Lovage is a perennial, hardy spice and medicinal plant from the Middle East. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, lovage was one of the most widespread herbs in northwestern Italy (Liguria). In earlier popular belief, the plant...
  • 220 Seeds

Rue - Herb of Grace [Ruta graveolens]

€2,50 EUR
Rue is a perennial wild herb and medicinal plant that has been known since ancient times around 800 BC and originally comes from the Mediterranean region. A plant with an incomparably strong sweet-aromatic aroma. This particular spice is...
  • 225 Seeds

St. John´s Wort [Hypericum perforatum]

€2,50 EUR
St. John's wort is a very old perennial medicinal herb that has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times and is highly valued. St. John's wort originally comes from Europe, North Africa and Central Asia, but...
  • 1000 Seeds

Annual Mugwort [Artemisia annua]

€3,00 EUR
€30.000,00 EUR kg
This mugwort species is an annual medicinal plant and comes naturally from China where it is called Qing Hao. This special medicinal herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for about 2,000 years and became known again...
  • 100 seeds

Fennel Bulbs Selma [Foeniculum vulgare]

€3,00 EUR
€3.000,00 EUR kg
The fennel bulbs 'Selma' is an annual and early ripening leafy vegetable and medicinal plant. Fennel is native to the Mediterranean and the Near East. As a result of the conquest, this plant was brought by the Romans...
  • 130 Seeds

Dyer Chamomile [Cota tinctoria]

€2,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR kg
Dyer's chamomile is an old wild perennial scent and dye plant that was used to dye wool yellow in the Middle Ages and is native to parts of Europe and Asia. The robust and drought-tolerant plants are permanent...
  • 500 Seeds

Chili De Cayenne [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The chili 'De Cayenne' is a perennial fruit vegetable plant and is the best known hot chili. This variety is originally from the capital of French Guiana and is mainly ground into a fine chili powder, the so-called...
  • 40 Seeds

Pointed Pepper Lady Lou [Capsicum annuum]

€3,00 EUR
The pointed pepper 'Lady Lou' is an early, perennial and particularly rare fruit vegetable plant. This bright orange variety is originally from Switzerland near Lake Constance. The plants grow vigorously and produce a large number of narrow and...
  • 25 Seeds

Zucchini Alberello Di Sarzana [Cucurbita pepo]

€3,00 EUR
The zucchini 'Alberello di Sarzana' is an annual, ancient and traditional Italian fruit vegetable. The rare and tried and tested variety has its origins in the city of Sarzana in Liguria, in the north of Italy. The strong...
  • 10 Seeds

Stalk Cabbage Cima Di Rapa Sessantina [Brassica rapa var. cymosa]

€3,00 EUR
The Stalk Cabbage 'Cima di Rapa Sessantina' is an ancient annual variety of the May bub from Apulia and Campania in Italy from the Mediterranean region. This fast-growing species of cabbage forms many small broccoli florets and leaves...
  • 550 Seeds

Cucumber Tanja [Cucumis sativus]

€3,00 EUR
The cucumber 'Tanja' is an ancient, annual and mixed flowering-dioecious free-range cucumber varieties. Cucumbers have been known to people for thousands of years and have been used as medicinal plants and food. The naturally robust plants are fast-growing...
  • 20 Seeds

Kohlrabi Lanro [Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes]

€3,00 EUR
The kohlrabi 'Lanro' is a biennial, historical and fast-growing open-air variety, from Germany. The robust white-green variety forms flat-round tubers that do not woody. The hardy and heat-tolerant kohlrabi develops robust plants and has a very long harvest...
  • 120 Seeds

Summer Savory [Satureja hortensis]

€2,50 EUR
The summer savory is an annual spice and medicinal plant that originally comes from West and Central Asia and has been used as a spice since ancient times. The evergreen plants grow bushy and quickly woody. The robust...
  • 1000 Seeds

Knollensellerie Monarch [there's Apium graveolens. Rapaceum]

€3,00 EUR
The celeriac 'Monarch' is a very old two-year vegetable and medicinal plant variety from the 17th century. Century originating in the Mediterranean. In ancient Egypt it was already known as a popular vegetable, it was used by the...
  • 300 seeds
  • 1 Setzling

Mullein [Verbascum densiflorum]

€2,50 EUR
The mullein is a very old two-year medicinal plant native to southern Europe, Russia and Siberia. Already in ancient times and by Hippocrates it was recognized as a medicinal plant and used for wounds or respiratory diseases. It...
  • 2000 seeds

Balsam herb-Marian herb [Tanacetum balsamita]

€2,50 EUR
€12.500,00 EUR kg
The balsam herb is an ancient, perennial, edible wild spice, fragrance and medicinal plant from the temperate latitudes of Asia and North America. Also known as Marian herb, the plant has been grown since ancient times in the...
  • 300 seeds