Summer - Temperate climate
Pickling Cucumber Vorgebirgstrauben [Cucumis sativus]
€3,00 EUR
The annual pickling cucumber 'Vorgebirgstrauben' is a mixed flowering, dioecious outdoor cucumber variety with the well-known and popular cucumber aroma. 7-9 cm short fruits, ideal for pickling as gherkins. Ideal for direct sowing or for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation...
Cucumber Tanja [Cucumis sativus]
€3,00 EUR
The annual cucumber 'Tanja' is a mixed flowering, dioecious outdoor cucumber variety with the well-known and popular cucumber aroma. 20-25cm long fruits, fast-growing and resistant to typical cucumber diseases. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible,...
Snake Cucumber Arola [Cucumis sativus]
€3,00 EUR
The annual cucumber 'Arola' is a hardy mixed flowering dioecious snake cucumber with a real cucumber taste experience! Up to 35 cm long and narrow fruits. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer, good...
Oak Leaf Lettuce Bijella Verão [Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa]
€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR
The annual oak leaf lettuce 'Bijella Verão' is a heat-tolerant, crisp, aromatic and robust lettuce without the typical head formation. The sweet leaves can be harvested after just 60 days, even in Mediterranean climates. Ideal for direct sowing...
Romaine lettuce Forellenschluss [Lactuca sativa var. romana]
€3,00 EUR
€6.000,00 EUR
The annual romaine lettuce 'Forellenschluss' is a crisp, sweet lettuce with open, elongated heads. A speciality for cultivation in the cooler seasons with a long harvest period. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing in spring and autumn,...
Fennel Bulbs Selma [Foeniculum vulgare]
€3,00 EUR
€3.000,00 EUR
The annual bulb fennel 'Selma' is a fast-growing leaf vegetable that forms close-fitting, crisp leaves on an above-ground bulb. The juicy bulb has a mild, spicy to sweet taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing spring-summer, good...
Asian Salad / Leaf Mustard Cabbage Red Giant [Brassica juncea]
€3,00 EUR
€1.500,00 EUR
The biennial Asian salad 'Red Giant' is winter hardy and develops large red leaves with a cress-like, mustard-hot and spicy taste. Very productive over a long period of time. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
Watermelon Sugar Baby [Citrullus lanatus]
€3,00 EUR
The annual watermelon 'Sugar Baby' develops fruits weighing up to 3 kg with salmon-colored, juicy flesh. The taste of the fruits is aromatic and sweet. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing in spring, good...
Sugar Melon - Cantalopue Petit Gris de Rennes [Cucumis melo]
€3,00 EUR
The annual Cantaloupe melon 'Petit Gris de Rennes' produces fruits weighing 500 to 800 g with orange and aromatic flesh, even in cooler regions. With subtle caramel nuances and a fine melon-like taste. Ideal for direct sowing or...
Radish Sora [Raphanus sativus]
€3,00 EUR
€600,00 EUR
The annual radish 'Sora' is a very fast-growing root vegetable with crimson roots that remain tender and firm for a long time. Mild, spicy taste with a slight spiciness. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer-autumn,...
Summer Radish Zürcher Markt [Raphanus sativus]
€3,00 EUR
€1.000,00 EUR
The annual summer radish 'Zürcher Markt' is a radish variety for summer cultivation with 10-15 cm long and thick roots. Only 40 days of cultivation time. Juicy, strong, spicy and slightly hot taste. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
Boxthorn - Goji Berry [Lycium barbarum]
€3,00 EUR
€1,25 EUR
€5.681,82 EUR
The perennial goji berry is an old and hardy berry bush in traditional Chinese medicine. The berries are considered a 'superfood' and taste fruity and sweet. They are ideal for embankment stabilization. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible,...
Pith Pea Miracle of Kelvedon [Pisum sativum L. convar. medullare]
€3,00 EUR
€100,00 EUR
The annual pith pea 'Miracle of Kelvedon' is an early, cold-resistant and fully heat-tolerant pea variety. For fresh consumption with a soft, sweet and aromatic taste. Can be grown without trellises. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
Soybean Green Shell - Edamame [Glycine max]
€3,00 EUR
€100,00 EUR
The annual soybean 'Green Shell' is an early, very versatile and traditional Japanese legume. World-famous oilseed plant with an extremely high protein content. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer, good for mixed culture, harvesting the...
White Beetroot Albina Vereduna [Beta vulgaris]
€3,00 EUR
€1.000,00 EUR
The biennial white beetroot 'Albina Vereduna' develops a sweet and spicy taste and is a robust archetype of the well-known beetroot varieties. Excellent for raw consumption. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year round, good for...
Yellow Beetroot Burpees Golden [Beta vulgaris]
€3,00 EUR
€750,00 EUR
The biennial yellow beetroot 'Burpees Golden' is a popular and long-kept kitchen treasure and tastes unmistakably pleasantly sweet, juicy and fruity. Excellent for raw food. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year round, good for mixed...
Red Beetroot Egyptian Flat round [Beta vulgaris]
€3,00 EUR
€857,14 EUR
The biennial beetroot 'Egyptian Flat Round' is an old original red variety that was groundbreaking for other newer red varieties. Mild, earthy, sweet taste. Excellent for raw food. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year round,...
Chervis Sugarroot [Sium sisarum]
€3,00 EUR
€1,50 EUR
€3.750,00 EUR
The perennial sugarroot is a very old, hardy and forgotten original root vegetable variety with a very high sugar content. The roots grow to 15 to 20 cm long and taste mealy and sweet. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
Sweet Corn Stowells Evergreen [Zea mays]
€3,00 EUR
€272,73 EUR
The annual sweet corn 'Stowell's Evergreen' is a historical and medium-early corn variety with robust growth and a traditional sweet taste. A plant with characteristic creamy white kernels that is worth rediscovering. Ideal for direct sowing, no pot...
Dyer Chamomile [Cota tinctoria]
€2,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR
The perennial dyer's chamomile is an undemanding wild scent and dye plant that was used in the Middle Ages to dye wool yellow. Beautiful bee pasture. The flowers give off a wonderful scent, typical of chamomile. Ideal for...
Summer Savory [Satureja hortensis]
€2,50 EUR
€1.250,00 EUR
The annual summer savory is a heat-loving herb and medicinal plant. In naturopathy it is used to support digestion, reduce fever and relieve bee stings. Goes perfectly with beans! Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer,...
Borage [Borago officinalis]
€2,50 EUR
€1.190,48 EUR
The annual borage is an insect magnet and a well-known spice and medicinal plant. The leaves have a distinct cucumber scent and taste. In modern folk medicine, this species is a forgotten miracle that can alleviate many ailments....
Lemon Balm [Melissa officinalis]
€2,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR
The perennial lemon balm is a spice and medicinal plant that is used in summer salads and as a refreshing drink. For medicinal purposes, it helps with stress, stomach problems, inflammation and viruses. Important bee pasture. Ideal for...
Marigold orange [Calendula officinalis]
€2,50 EUR
€833,33 EUR
The annual marigold is a very important and versatile medicinal plant with an antiseptic effect in the flowers. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the regeneration of tissue in wounds. The flowers are edible. Ideal for direct...
Curly Parsley Mooskrause [Petroselinum crispum]
€3,00 EUR
€1,50 EUR
€300,00 EUR
The biennial curly parsley 'Mooskrause' is a world-famous and versatile kitchen herb with a naturally strong aroma. In ancient times it was considered a sacred plant, a plant species for every home garden. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
New Zealand Spinach [Tetragonia tetragonioides]
€3,00 EUR
€750,00 EUR
The perennial New Zealand spinach is a heat-tolerant type of spinach with a slightly sour taste. It grows as a ground cover and, thanks to its salt tolerance, also grows well near the coast. Ideal for direct sowing...
Cilantro [Coriandrum sativum]
€2,50 EUR
€714,29 EUR
Annual coriander is a spice and medicinal plant that was used in ancient times to aid digestion, anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, antibacterials and antifungals. A decoction protects against aphids and cabbage white butterflies. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
Basil Genovese [Ocimum basilicum]
€2,50 EUR
€1.666,67 EUR
The annual Italian basil 'Genovese' is a classic spice and medicinal plant with a typical intense aroma and sweet taste. Versatile and a main ingredient in Pesto Genovese, a classic Italian pesto. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
Staghorn Plantain [Plantago coronopus]
€2,50 EUR
€5.000,00 EUR
The perennial staghorn plantain is an evergreen and hardy wild salad herb. The leaves contain a lot of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. A tasty mushroom-like and spicy-nutty salad addition. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
Rue - Herb of Grace [Ruta graveolens]
€2,50 EUR
€1,25 EUR
€2.083,33 EUR
The perennial rue is a spice and medicinal plant with an incomparably strong sweet-aromatic aroma. In earlier traditional medicine it was used as an abortifacient for women. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer, good for...
Pickling Cucumber Vorgebirgstrauben [Cucumis sativus]
€3,00 EUR
The annual pickling cucumber 'Vorgebirgstrauben' is a mixed flowering, dioecious outdoor cucumber variety with the well-known and popular cucumber aroma. 7-9 cm short fruits, ideal for pickling as gherkins. Ideal for direct sowing or for...
Cucumber Tanja [Cucumis sativus]
€3,00 EUR
The annual cucumber 'Tanja' is a mixed flowering, dioecious outdoor cucumber variety with the well-known and popular cucumber aroma. 20-25cm long fruits, fast-growing and resistant to typical cucumber diseases. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation,...
Snake Cucumber Arola [Cucumis sativus]
€3,00 EUR
The annual cucumber 'Arola' is a hardy mixed flowering dioecious snake cucumber with a real cucumber taste experience! Up to 35 cm long and narrow fruits. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible,...
Oak Leaf Lettuce Bijella Verão [Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa]
€3,00 EUR
The annual oak leaf lettuce 'Bijella Verão' is a heat-tolerant, crisp, aromatic and robust lettuce without the typical head formation. The sweet leaves can be harvested after just 60 days, even in Mediterranean climates. Ideal...
Romaine lettuce Forellenschluss [Lactuca sativa var. romana]
€3,00 EUR
The annual romaine lettuce 'Forellenschluss' is a crisp, sweet lettuce with open, elongated heads. A speciality for cultivation in the cooler seasons with a long harvest period. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing in...
Fennel Bulbs Selma [Foeniculum vulgare]
€3,00 EUR
The annual bulb fennel 'Selma' is a fast-growing leaf vegetable that forms close-fitting, crisp leaves on an above-ground bulb. The juicy bulb has a mild, spicy to sweet taste. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible,...
Asian Salad / Leaf Mustard Cabbage Red Giant [Brassica juncea]
€3,00 EUR
The biennial Asian salad 'Red Giant' is winter hardy and develops large red leaves with a cress-like, mustard-hot and spicy taste. Very productive over a long period of time. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot...
Watermelon Sugar Baby [Citrullus lanatus]
€3,00 EUR
The annual watermelon 'Sugar Baby' develops fruits weighing up to 3 kg with salmon-colored, juicy flesh. The taste of the fruits is aromatic and sweet. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
Sugar Melon - Cantalopue Petit Gris de Rennes [Cucumis melo]
€3,00 EUR
The annual Cantaloupe melon 'Petit Gris de Rennes' produces fruits weighing 500 to 800 g with orange and aromatic flesh, even in cooler regions. With subtle caramel nuances and a fine melon-like taste. Ideal for...
Radish Sora [Raphanus sativus]
€3,00 EUR
The annual radish 'Sora' is a very fast-growing root vegetable with crimson roots that remain tender and firm for a long time. Mild, spicy taste with a slight spiciness. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
Summer Radish Zürcher Markt [Raphanus sativus]
€3,00 EUR
The annual summer radish 'Zürcher Markt' is a radish variety for summer cultivation with 10-15 cm long and thick roots. Only 40 days of cultivation time. Juicy, strong, spicy and slightly hot taste. Ideal for...
Boxthorn - Goji Berry [Lycium barbarum]
€3,00 EUR
€1,25 EUR
The perennial goji berry is an old and hardy berry bush in traditional Chinese medicine. The berries are considered a 'superfood' and taste fruity and sweet. They are ideal for embankment stabilization. Ideal for pre-cultivation,...
Pith Pea Miracle of Kelvedon [Pisum sativum L. convar. medullare]
€3,00 EUR
The annual pith pea 'Miracle of Kelvedon' is an early, cold-resistant and fully heat-tolerant pea variety. For fresh consumption with a soft, sweet and aromatic taste. Can be grown without trellises. Ideal for direct sowing, pot...
Soybean Green Shell - Edamame [Glycine max]
€3,00 EUR
The annual soybean 'Green Shell' is an early, very versatile and traditional Japanese legume. World-famous oilseed plant with an extremely high protein content. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer, good for mixed...
White Beetroot Albina Vereduna [Beta vulgaris]
€3,00 EUR
The biennial white beetroot 'Albina Vereduna' develops a sweet and spicy taste and is a robust archetype of the well-known beetroot varieties. Excellent for raw consumption. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year...
Yellow Beetroot Burpees Golden [Beta vulgaris]
€3,00 EUR
The biennial yellow beetroot 'Burpees Golden' is a popular and long-kept kitchen treasure and tastes unmistakably pleasantly sweet, juicy and fruity. Excellent for raw food. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing all year round,...
Red Beetroot Egyptian Flat round [Beta vulgaris]
€3,00 EUR
The biennial beetroot 'Egyptian Flat Round' is an old original red variety that was groundbreaking for other newer red varieties. Mild, earthy, sweet taste. Excellent for raw food. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot cultivation possible, sowing...
Chervis Sugarroot [Sium sisarum]
€3,00 EUR
€1,50 EUR
The perennial sugarroot is a very old, hardy and forgotten original root vegetable variety with a very high sugar content. The roots grow to 15 to 20 cm long and taste mealy and sweet. Ideal for...
Sweet Corn Stowells Evergreen [Zea mays]
€3,00 EUR
The annual sweet corn 'Stowell's Evergreen' is a historical and medium-early corn variety with robust growth and a traditional sweet taste. A plant with characteristic creamy white kernels that is worth rediscovering. Ideal for direct...
Dyer Chamomile [Cota tinctoria]
€2,50 EUR
The perennial dyer's chamomile is an undemanding wild scent and dye plant that was used in the Middle Ages to dye wool yellow. Beautiful bee pasture. The flowers give off a wonderful scent, typical of...
Summer Savory [Satureja hortensis]
€2,50 EUR
The annual summer savory is a heat-loving herb and medicinal plant. In naturopathy it is used to support digestion, reduce fever and relieve bee stings. Goes perfectly with beans! Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation...
Borage [Borago officinalis]
€2,50 EUR
The annual borage is an insect magnet and a well-known spice and medicinal plant. The leaves have a distinct cucumber scent and taste. In modern folk medicine, this species is a forgotten miracle that can...
Lemon Balm [Melissa officinalis]
€2,50 EUR
The perennial lemon balm is a spice and medicinal plant that is used in summer salads and as a refreshing drink. For medicinal purposes, it helps with stress, stomach problems, inflammation and viruses. Important bee...
Marigold orange [Calendula officinalis]
€2,50 EUR
The annual marigold is a very important and versatile medicinal plant with an antiseptic effect in the flowers. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the regeneration of tissue in wounds. The flowers are edible....
Curly Parsley Mooskrause [Petroselinum crispum]
€3,00 EUR
€1,50 EUR
The biennial curly parsley 'Mooskrause' is a world-famous and versatile kitchen herb with a naturally strong aroma. In ancient times it was considered a sacred plant, a plant species for every home garden. Ideal for...
New Zealand Spinach [Tetragonia tetragonioides]
€3,00 EUR
The perennial New Zealand spinach is a heat-tolerant type of spinach with a slightly sour taste. It grows as a ground cover and, thanks to its salt tolerance, also grows well near the coast. Ideal...
Cilantro [Coriandrum sativum]
€2,50 EUR
Annual coriander is a spice and medicinal plant that was used in ancient times to aid digestion, anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, antibacterials and antifungals. A decoction protects against aphids and cabbage white butterflies. Ideal for direct...
Basil Genovese [Ocimum basilicum]
€2,50 EUR
The annual Italian basil 'Genovese' is a classic spice and medicinal plant with a typical intense aroma and sweet taste. Versatile and a main ingredient in Pesto Genovese, a classic Italian pesto. Ideal for direct...
Staghorn Plantain [Plantago coronopus]
€2,50 EUR
The perennial staghorn plantain is an evergreen and hardy wild salad herb. The leaves contain a lot of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. A tasty mushroom-like and spicy-nutty salad addition. Ideal for...
Rue - Herb of Grace [Ruta graveolens]
€2,50 EUR
€1,25 EUR
The perennial rue is a spice and medicinal plant with an incomparably strong sweet-aromatic aroma. In earlier traditional medicine it was used as an abortifacient for women. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing...