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Benjis seeds

Pickling Cucumber Vorgebirgstrauben [Cucumis sativus]

Pickling Cucumber Vorgebirgstrauben [Cucumis sativus]

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The pickling cucumber 'Vorgebirgstrauben' is a mixed-flowering old, annual and early cucumber variety, with dioecious growth. The wild form of the cucumber [Cucumis sativus var. Hardwickii] was already cultivated 4000 years ago in northern India. The robust plant forms many small 7-9 cm short and dark green cucumbers that can be continuously harvested. They hang on the plant like grapes, which gave the variety its name. The small fruits are ideal for pickle as cornichons and larger fruits, on the other hand, are good for mustard cucumbers. The taste is juicy mild with the well-known cucumber aroma. The variety can be cultivated climbing or crawling.

General information
Plant family: Cucurbitaceae
Life Cycle: Annual
Days to harvest: 70 days
Plant height approx.: 250 cm
Root Type: Deep and shallow roots
Nutrient requirements: Strong Eaters
Water Requirements: High
Winter hardiness: Up to 5 °C
Location: Sunny to partially shaded
Floor: Permeable, moist, slightly loamy, humus

PH: 5.5 to 6.5

Sowing and planting information
Germ Type: Dark germ
Seed Depth: 1-3 cm
Optimal germination temperature: 18-24 °C
Germination time: 7-14 days
Planting, row spacing: 50x100 cm

Optimal mixed culture: Beans, dill, garlic, cabbage, corn, pepper, lettuce, celery, spinach, onions, peas, beetroot, leeks, basil, cumin
Unfavorable mixed culture: Radish, horseradish, zucchini, tomato, eggplant, physalis, potato

Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
From March onwards, sow directly into the open air at an ambient temperature of at least 15 ° C. We recommend pre-cultivation in small pots from February to September.

Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Sow into the frost-free open air in mid-May immediately after the ice saints. We recommend pre-cultivation in small pots from March to June.

The best time to germinate cucumbers is at an average night temperature of 10-15 °C. We always recommend the pre-culture, sow the seeds directly into small pots and let the seedlings up to the 3rd Grow up cucumber leaves, then plant in the desired bed.
Cucumbers prefer a partially shaded location in a subtropical climate and a sunny location in a temperate climate, with sufficient water and nutrient-rich, humus-rich soil. Prepare the soil for cucumbers with deposited animal manure. Avoid waterlogging.

Additional tips
Cucumber plants are generally cultivated with 2 or 3 shoots. We recommend a framework for tying the cucumber shoots. Sufficient and uniform irrigation is necessary and has a positive effect on the quality of the fruit. At temperatures below 10 °C, the plant reduces its growth. A regular harvest promotes yield. In order to quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and well-drained soil, an additional incorporation of biochar and primeval rock flour is recommended.

Type of propagation
Spread occurs via seeds.

Care Plants
The bed in the cucumber growing should never dry out completely, regular watering is necessary to keep the growth of the plants stable. M It animal manure prepared beds and planting in mixed culture, replaces additional fertilization.

Germination ability of seeds: 6-8 years

Other Names
Botanical names: Cucumis sativus
English Names: Cucumber, Pickling cupumber
German names: Gurke, Einlegegurke, Gurkerl
Portuguese names: Pepino, Pepino em conserva
Spanish Names: Pepino encurtido, Pepino en vinagre
French names: Concombre mariné, Concombre au vinaigre

  • Sustainability - Open-pollinated and reproducible seeds
  • Quality - High germination rate and high-yielding healthy plants
  • Quality controls - seeds are checked for germination at regular intervals
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