The Rocket is an annual salad and seasoning plant. This is the cultivated form of the wild plant diplotaxis tenuifolia, which originally comes from the Mediterranean and was already used by the Romans. The sun-loving plant has slightly hairy and pinnate leaves, similar to dandelions. The taste is a combination of nuts, mustard and cress and is milder than the original wild plant. They germinate and grow quite quickly and are usually ready to harvest after just six weeks. No fertilization necessary. If there is too much nitrogen, nitrate accumulates in the leaves.
General information
Plant family: Brassicaceae
Life cycle: Annual
Days to harvest: 50 days
Plant height approx.: 40 cm
Root type: Deep rooter
Nutrient requirements: Weak eater
Water requirements: Medium
Winter hardiness: Up to -10 °C
Location: Sunny until semi shady
Soil: Permeable, loamy, humus
pH value: 6 to 8
Sowing and planting information
Germ type: Light germinator
Sowing depth: 0 cm
Optimal germination temperature: 10-16 °C
Germination time: 3-6 days
Plant and row spacing: 15x25 cm
Optimal mixed culture: Marigold
Unfavorable mixed culture: Asian salad, Mustard, Cress, Nasturtium
Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
Sow directly outdoors from March to October or pre-cultivate in small pots all year round.
Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Sow directly outdoors from April to August or pre-cultivate in small pots all year round.
Sow directly in rows. When pre-cultivating, sow the seeds in small pots and let the seedlings grow to the first visible rocket leaves. Then plant the pregrown plants from the pots directly into the open field or continue to cultivate them in pots. The seedlings are planted in the bed from the 2nd pair of leaves after the cotyledons.
Rocket prefers a sunny location with permeable, moist, humus-rich loamy soil. Prepare the soil with seasoned animal manure. Avoid waterlogging.
Additional tips
If there is too much nitrogen, nitrate accumulates in the leaves. In order to quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and permeable soil, we recommend additional incorporation of biochar and primary rock powder.
Type of propagation
It spreads via seeds.
Plant care
Regular watering causes faster growth. No fertilization necessary.
Germination ability of seeds: 5-6 years
Other Names
Botanical names: Eruca sativa, Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa
English names: Rocket, Arugula
German names: Salatrauke, Senfrauke, Rucola
Portuguese names: Rúcula
Spanish names: Rúcula
French names: Roquette cultivée