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Benjis seeds

Stalk Cabbage Cima Di Rapa Sessantina [Brassica rapa var. cymosa]

Stalk Cabbage Cima Di Rapa Sessantina [Brassica rapa var. cymosa]

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The Stalk Cabbage 'Cima di Rapa Sessantina' is an ancient annual variety of the May bub from Apulia and Campania in Italy from the Mediterranean region. This fast-growing species of cabbage forms many small broccoli florets and leaves after just 5 weeks. The taste of the tender broccoli buds is sweet and slightly bitter and can be consumed raw or steamed with the leaves and stems. A special old relative of the turnip stem, with the properties of mustard and broccoli, for year-round cultivation in a subtropical climate and a classic winter vegetable. Can deliver fresh green after just a few weeks without forming a head of cabbage.

General information
Plant family: Brassicaceae
Life Cycle: Annual
Days to harvest: 40 days
Plant height approx.: 40 cm
Root Type: Deep Root
Nutrient requirements: Strong Eaters
Water Requirements: Means
Winter hardiness: Up to-3 °C
Location: Sunny
Floor: Permeable, moist, loamy, humus

PH: 6.5 to 7

Sowing and planting information
Germ Type: Dark germ
Seed Depth: 0.5-1 cm
Optimal germination temperature: 15-20 °C
Germination time: 6-10 days
Planting, row spacing: 30x30 cm

Optimal mixed culture: Basil, marigold, marigold, marigold, marigold, rosemary, soy, beans, peas
Unfavorable mixed culture: Kohlrabi, onion, garlic, mustard, radish, radish, other types of cabbage

Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
Sow directly outdoors from January to December.

Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Sow into the frost-free open air from April to August.

We recommend a dense direct sowing in rows, sow with a grain spacing of 10cm.
Stem cabbage prefers a sunny location with sufficient water and nutrient-rich, humus-rich loam soil. Prepare the soil with deposited animal manure. Avoid waterlogging.

Additional tips
The broccoli buds are harvested at a plant size of 20-30cm before the flowers open. To prevent the laying of eggs from cabbage flies, we recommend the use of vegetable protection nets. In order to quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and well-drained soil, an additional incorporation of biochar and primeval rock flour is recommended.

Type of propagation
Spread occurs via seeds.

Care Plants
The bed in the cabbage plants should never dry out completely, regular watering is necessary to keep the growth of the plants stable. M It animal manure prepared beds and planting in mixed culture, replaces additional fertilization.

Germination ability of seeds: 4-5 years

Other Names
Botanical names: Brassica rapa var. cymosa
English Names: Stalk Cabbage
German names: Stängelkohl, Brokkoli Raab, Herbstbrokkoli
Portuguese names: Brócolos, Bróculos, Talo de repolho
Spanish Names: Brócoli, Col de tallo
French names: Brocoli, Chou tige

  • Sustainability - Open-pollinated and reproducible seeds
  • Quality - High germination rate and high-yielding healthy plants
  • Quality controls - seeds are checked for germination at regular intervals
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