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Benjis seeds

Sweet Corn Stowells Evergreen [Zea mays]

Sweet Corn Stowells Evergreen [Zea mays]

Regular price €3,00 EUR
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Unit price €272,73 EUR  per  kg
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The sweet corn 'Stowell's Evergreen' is an ancient annual and historic variety of corn dating back to 1845 and originally from Vermont, USA. The little-known and robust variety is worth rediscovering thanks to its stable cultivation and the characteristic creamy white grains. The mid-early and drought-stumbling plants form 2 very large cobs with well-coiled and fully occupied grains. The taste is sweet and strong, with the typical aroma and bite of a traditional sweet corn variety.

General information
Plant family: Poaceae
Life Cycle: Annual
Days to harvest: 120 days
Plant height approx.: 20 0 cm
Root Type: Deep Root
Nutrient requirements: Strong Eaters
Water Requirements: Means
Winter hardiness: Up to 3 °C
Location: Sunny
Floor: Permeable, deep, loamy, humus

PH: 5.5 to 7

Sowing and planting information
Germ Type: Dark germ
Seed Depth: 2 -3 cm
Optimal germination temperature: 15-25 °C
Germination time: 7 -10 days
Planting, row spacing: 3 0x50 cm

Optimal mixed culture: Beans, peas, cucumbers, pumpkin, phacelia, spinach
Unfavorable mixed culture: Beetroot, celery

Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
Sow directly outdoors from February to March.

Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Sow directly outdoors from April to May. We recommend pre-cultivation from March in pots without pecking. The plants are ready for planting when they appear stable or have reached a height of 30 cm.

Sow or plant corn seedlings in rows or blocks. In order to later close isolated gaps due to the natural germination power, we recommend simultaneous sowing in individual pots (9x9x9cm). We advise block sowing, as the plants thrive better than in unprotected rows. As a wind pollinator, setting in blocks also improves pollination.
Corn prefers a fully sunny and sheltered location with a nutrient-rich, deep, loamy and humus soil. Prepare the soil for corn with deposited animal manure.

Additional tips
In order to quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and well-drained soil, an additional incorporation of biochar and primeval rock flour is recommended.

Type of propagation
Spread occurs via seeds.

Care Plants
Corn plants can do without water for a few days, although they should not dry out too much. During long periods of heat, additional water is useful. M It animal manure prepared beds and planting in mixed culture, replaces additional fertilization.

Germination ability of seeds: 5-6 years

Other Names
Botanical names: Zea mays
English Names: Sweet corn
German Names: Zuckermais
Portuguese names: Milho Doce
Spanish names: Maíz
French names: Maïs

  • Sustainability - Open-pollinated and reproducible seeds
  • Quality - High germination rate and high-yielding healthy plants
  • Quality controls - seeds are checked for germination at regular intervals
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