Forage plants

Oilseed Radish - Green manure [Raphanus sativus var. oleiformis]

€4,50 EUR
€75,00 EUR kg
The oil radish is an ancient annual oil, animal feed and green manure plant that originates from the warm regions of Egypt. This species was originally bred thousands of years ago to produce oil, which was used as...
  • 4700 Seeds (sufficient for 22 m²)

Milfoil Yarrow [Achillea millefolium]

€2,50 EUR
€3.571,43 EUR kg
The perennial milfoil yarrow is a hardy and very old wild meadow and medicinal plant. In naturopathy it is highly valued for its anti-inflammatory, calming and antispasmodic effects. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible, sowing spring-summer, good...
  • 0.7g - 1000 Seeds

Roman Chamomile [Anthemis nobilis]

€2,50 EUR
€9.615,38 EUR kg
The perennial roman chamomile is a fast-growing aromatic, tea and medicinal plant that grows like a carpet and covers the ground. It is hardy and drought tolerant. Snails avoid this herb. Ideal for direct sowing or pre-cultivation, pot culture...
  • 0.26g - 1500 Seeds

Oilseed Radish - Green manure [Raphanus sativus var. oleiformis]

€4,50 EUR
The oil radish is an ancient annual oil, animal feed and green manure plant that originates from the warm regions of Egypt. This species was originally bred thousands of years ago to produce oil, which...
  • 4700 Seeds (sufficient for 22 m²)

Milfoil Yarrow [Achillea millefolium]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial milfoil yarrow is a hardy and very old wild meadow and medicinal plant. In naturopathy it is highly valued for its anti-inflammatory, calming and antispasmodic effects. Ideal for direct sowing, pot cultivation possible,...
  • 0.7g - 1000 Seeds

Roman Chamomile [Anthemis nobilis]

€2,50 EUR
The perennial roman chamomile is a fast-growing aromatic, tea and medicinal plant that grows like a carpet and covers the ground. It is hardy and drought tolerant. Snails avoid this herb. Ideal for direct sowing or...
  • 0.26g - 1500 Seeds