The biennial Asian vegetable 'Tokyo Bekana' is a fast-growing Asian cabbage variety with loose heads, green leaves and distinctive white veins. Spinach-like, mild and sweet taste with mild peppery nuances. Ideal for pre-cultivation, pot culture possible, sowing in autumn, good for mixed culture, harvesting the leaves.
The Asian vegetable 'Tokyo Bekana' is a biennial cabbage plant from the Middle East, originally from Japan. The robust and fast-growing cabbage variety forms loose heads and slightly wavy green leaves with wavy edges and distinctive white veins that extend across the surface. The leaf consistency is crisp and tender, with a mild, sweet, spinach-like taste and mild peppery nuances. Large leaves of the hardy plant can be used for cooking and young leaves are good as a side dish in salads. The variety is high-yielding and can be harvested over a long period of time.
General information
Plant family: Brassicaceae
Life cycle: Biennial
Days to harvest: 50 days
Plant height approx.: 70 cm
Root type: Deep rooter
Nutrient requirements: High
Water requirements: Medium
Winter hardiness: Up to -10°C
Location: Sunny until semi shady
Soil: Permeable, loamy, humus
pH value: 6.5 to 7
Sowing and planting information
Germination type: Dark germinator
Sowing depth: 0.5-2 cm
Optimal germination temperature: 10-15 °C
Germination time: 7-10 days
Plant and row spacing: 30x30 cm
Germination ability of seeds: 3-4 years
Mixed culture
Optimal mixed culture: Basil, Marigold, Tagetes, Rosemary, Spinach, Soy, Bean, Pea
Unfavorable mixed culture: Kohlrabi, Onion, Garlic, Mustard, Horseradish, Radish, other types of cabbage
Sowing by climate zone
Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
Direct sowing is possible. Pre-cultivation in small bowls in the autumn when temperatures drop from September to November is recommended. The plants should ideally be planted in a sunny location protected from the wind.
Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Direct sowing is possible. We recommend pre-cultivating in small bowls in the autumn from July to September and planting for overwintering from mid-September to early October. The ideal location for the plants is sheltered from the wind and sunny.
General recommendations
Dense direct sowing in rows or broadcast sowing is possible, harvesting similarly to lamb's lettuce. Pre-cultivation and subsequent planting out at the specified planting distance is recommended. For pre-cultivation, sow the seeds in a small bowl and let the seedlings grow until the first visible cabbage leaves appear, then transplant them into the desired containers. After transplanting, let the seedlings grow at moderate temperatures until they are planted out as seedlings. Plant the seedlings in the bed from the second pair of leaves after the cotyledons.
Asian mustard cabbage 'Tokyo Bekana' ideally prefers a soil that is moist, permeable, nutrient-rich and contains plenty of humus and loam. It does not tolerate waterlogging.
Additional tips
For a longer harvest period, the flower bases should be broken out and care should be taken not to damage the heart during harvesting. Harvest the leaves from the outside inwards to keep growth stable. To prevent cabbage flies from laying eggs, it is advisable to use vegetable protection nets. To quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and permeable soil with good nutrient and water storage capacity, it is advisable to also incorporate biochar and primary rock flour.
Type of propagation
Propagation occurs via seeds.
Plant care
Loosened, nutrient-rich and constantly moist soil fundamentally promotes growth. Fertilization is not necessary.
Other names
Botanical names: Brassica rapa var. japonica
English names: Asia mustard vegetable
German names: Asiatisches Senfgemüse
Portuguese names: Vegetal de mostarda asiática
Spanish names: Verdura de mostaza asiática
French names: Légume moutarde d'Asie
Country: Portugal