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Benjis seeds

Common Tansy [Tanacetum vulgare]

Common Tansy [Tanacetum vulgare]

Regular price €2,50 EUR
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The tansy is a very old, perennial wild perennial, dye and medicinal plant from Europe and Asia. The versatile medicinal herb has numerous bright yellow flower heads and finely pinnate, fernlike leaves. With a strong growth, it spreads quickly over foothills. Thanks to its essential oils, it gives off a distinctive, aromatic and spicy scent. The tansy can be used in a variety of ways, such as securing the slope, as an insect repellent or a broth fermented from it as a biological pesticide to keep whiteflies, lice, mites and other insects away. The plant likes to grow in moist to dry pastures and always stretches its leaves to the south, which is why it is also used to determine the direction of the compass.
Tansy is toxic. Skin reactions can be caused by contact. Pregnant women should avoid contact with tansy. Recommended for external use only.
It is an important host plant for some caterpillars, butterflies and beetles.

General information
Plant family: Asteraceae
Life Cycle: Perennial
Days to harvest: 150 days
Plant height approx.: 160 cm
Root Type: Deep Root
Nutrient requirements: Weak Eaters
Water Requirements: Means
Winter hardiness: Up to-30 °C
Location: Sunny
Floor: Permeable, moist, loamy, humus

PH: 5.5 to 7

Sowing and planting information
Germ Type: Light germ
Seed Depth: 0 cm
Optimal germination temperature: 15-18 °C
Germination time: 5-10 days
Planting, row spacing: 40x40 cm

Optimal mixed culture: Potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, berry bushes
Unfavorable mixed culture: -

Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
Sow directly outdoors from February to June.

Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Sow directly into the frost-free open air from March to April.

Sow broadly and avoid waterlogging. Tansy Prefers a fully sunny location with sufficient water, permeable, loamy and humus soil. Prepare the soil for the herb with deposited animal manure. Avoid waterlogging.

Additional tips
Tansy sows itself generously. Nudibranchs avoid this herb. Tansy broth helps against snails, powdery mildew and lice . In order to quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and well-drained soil, an additional incorporation of biochar and primeval rock flour is recommended.

Type of propagation
Spread occurs via seeds.

Care Plants
Due to the initially slow growth of the plants, we recommend weeding the surrounding herbs regularly. M It animal manure prepared beds and planting in mixed culture, replaces additional fertilization.

Germination ability of seeds: 2-3 years

Other Names
Botanical Names: Tanacetum vulgare
English Names: Common tansy
German names: Rainfarn, Wurmkraut, Drusendrud, Kraftkrud, Milchkraut, Pompelblume, Regenfahn
Portuguese names: Tanásia
Spanish Names: Tanaceto
French names: Tanaisie

  • Sustainability - Open-pollinated and reproducible seeds
  • Quality - High germination rate and high-yielding healthy plants
  • Quality controls - seeds are checked for germination at regular intervals
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