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Benjis seeds

Red Poppy - Corn Poppy [Papaver rhoeas]

Red Poppy - Corn Poppy [Papaver rhoeas]

Regular price €2,50 EUR
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Unit price €2.500,00 EUR  per  kg
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The corn poppy is a biennial deciduous herbaceous tea and medicinal plant that originates from warm areas of the world. In ancient times, the species was used as a sleeping aid, but today it is used in folk medicine in the form of syrup or tea to calm, nervousness, insomnia, pain, respiratory disorders or menstrual problems. It is used externally as a poultice or as a wash for skin problems. The plants are very robust and resistant to soil contamination and weed killers, which is why the species has spread almost all over the world and can be found wild on roadsides or meadows. The plant is very hardy and requires no care.

General information
Plant family: Papaveraceae
Life cycle: Biennial
Days to harvest: 100 days
Plant height approx.: 60 cm
Root type: Deep rooter
Nutrient requirements: Weak eater
Water requirements: Low
Winter hardiness: Up to -45 °C
Location: Sunny
Soil: Permeable, loamy, sandy, humus

pH value: 6.5 to 8

Sowing and planting information
Germ type: Light germinator
Sowing depth: 0 cm
Optimal germination temperature: 15-20 °C
Germination time: 7-14 days
Plant and row spacing: 5x25 cm

Optimal mixed culture: Cornflower, Venus mirror
Unfavorable mixed culture: 

Subtropic climate (Mediterranean) (e. g. B. Portugal, Spain, Italy)
Sow directly outdoors from November to December.

Moderate climate (e. g. B. Germany, Switzerland, Poland)
Sow directly into frost-free open ground from March to June.

Sow seeds directly and spread out.
Corn poppy prefers a sunny and warm location with a very well-drained, moderately dry, nutrient-poor, humus-rich and loamy soil. Avoid waterlogging.

Additional tips
Only sow in nutrient-poor soil, otherwise the plants will grow very long and fall over. In order to quickly obtain a fine, crumbly and permeable soil, we recommend additional incorporation of biochar and primary rock powder.

Type of propagation
It spreads via seeds.

Plant care
No care or fertilization necessary.

Germination ability of seeds: 2-3 years

Other Names
Botanical names: Papaver rhoeas
English names: Red poppy, Corn poppy
German names: Klatschmohn, Mohnblume, Klatschrose, Seidenmohn
Portuguese names: Papoila vermelha, Papoula de milho
Spanish names: Amapola de maíz
French names: Pavot de maïs

  • Sustainability - Open-pollinated and reproducible seeds
  • Quality - High germination rate and high-yielding healthy plants
  • Quality controls - seeds are checked for germination at regular intervals
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